Every thought that arises is given a label from some past experience that’s being held onto. Think of the labels that are put on things including people, they’re all derived from some past experience brought into the present. It’s like carrying around different bags for each thought that arises and these bags are filled with memories, descriptions, judgements and what not. Parents, family in general, co workers (all associations for that matter), food, entertainment, music, alcohol, God, religion and on and on, everything that arises in the present moment has already been labeled by something from the past. So how objective are we really when it comes to being open minded? How much truth can be known if there are already labels in place? This is why sitting is so valuable, it allows space before a label is applied.
Right now wherever you are think of someone you know that isn’t with you. Do you not already have a label for them? Where does it come from? It comes from one of your bags from the past. It’s something that’s being carried around so the label of what is being thought of is already there, but it’s only there because of carrying around the past. Something not known isn’t labeled because there’s no past attached to it. To not carry around baggage from the past is to be in a place of open mindedness, a place of non judgement. This is a place where the stories of the Conditioned Mind aren’t needed. If there isn’t some form of discipline being used to allow the mind to settle, you can just resign yourself to the fact that your mind is in control and you will have to make up story after story because all you can do is reach into the bags you are carrying around that are filled with labels from the past.

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