I don’t write to tell anyone how to live their life. How someone chooses to live has nothing to do with me. If what I write resonates with you, so be it, if not move on. What I write is from my experience, as I was opinionated for many many years. Whether it is agreed with is not really a concern of mine. What is seen is what is written and if you don’t see what I see, you won’t understand what I write. There is nothing right or wrong with this, it’s just the way it is.
We are all an extension of Universal Consciousness. There is no difference in the way we exist except to the Conditioned Mind. We are all from the same energy. It’s when we lose our focus of this that we become individuals and form our opinions. Our unity comes from understanding this. When we form our opinions, our ideas, beliefs, and concepts, we form an individuality which causes us to miss the mark (definition of sin) of Universal Love. I often speak of truth and this is the truth that I speak of. It’s not my truth, but the truth of existence; Universal Love. There is no interpretation needed here, love is love. If you wish to form an interpretation or opinion of love that’s up to you, but when the mind settles, Universal Love becomes life’s base and there are no opinions or interpretations needed here. Learn to live life as it is from the base of Universal Love. Form any opinion you’d like, but it will not truly be a benefit to you because most likely it will be self serving in some way. As a matter of fact it will be a created burden that not only blocks you from the love that’s in your heart, but also from the heart of all humanity; just my opinion…

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