The mind has no foundation, it is here, there, and everywhere. It’s why people struggle to find truth with the mind, there’s nothing there. It’s like trying to hold onto air. The true foundation of life is the body because the body exist in the only place that is real, the present moment. It’s so difficult to convey truth through the mind, not that I know what it is, but I do know what it isn’t. That’s the difference in me today as opposed to the way I was ten years ago. People try to figure out what truth is through the mind and that’s where the struggle arises from. Truth is impossible to grasp, what truth isn’t is a lot easier to examine.
Yesterday was one of those days, there was a lot of mind push back on my article. What’s funny is all I am is the writer, I don’t provide the content, that arises on its own from stillness. Again most people struggle with truth because they try to figure it out with the mind. You will never know what truth is from the mind, but you can examine what it isn’t and thus the mind will stop trying to figure it out what it is. Regardless of what I write it can only be disagreed with from within yourself. A disagreement with my writings is a mind agitation that comes from within you. There’s nothing to ever truly disagree with unless the Conditioned Mind tells you it wants something to be different; this agitation is what truth isn’t. Understand this and you just may see the truth, but you won’t know what truth is, you will know what it isn’t and when this is known all you will be left with is truth.

Dit is een van de beste berichten die ik al lang in Repliche Orologi heb gezien. bedankt
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