The cause of all suffering is attachment to our human form and how we associate everything that happens with it. It’s not that one needs to transcend this form to be joyous, and free, but there has to be a letting go of how we associate with what occurs in life with our form. This attachment and association to form is at the core of all suffering and the thing about it is it’s a delusion. Investigate all the things that are associated with the human form from the moment you wake up to the time that you go to sleep. Everything that occurs in between is form associated and our thoughts reinforce this attachment and association constantly. Obviously our form does exist, the problem is it doesn’t exist in the way we associate everything to it. One day everyone who is alive today will let go of all their associated attachments with form, the key in living a joyous and free life is to learn to do it now.
Nothing really happens to you and the delusion is you think it does, this doesn’t mean things don’t happen, they just don’t happen to you. All I’m saying is if there’s less association with a form that things happen to, when something does happen there will be less attachment to it, and with less attachment, one experiences a more joyous and free existence. This joy and freedom occurs naturally as form associations and attachments aren’t pulled in. To see this one only needs to be aware of who is doing the pulling and why does it occur. The addiction in our society is to form so without being led around by form associations and attachments, one can truly be joyous and free, but only if it’s seen that the association and attachment to form is a delusion.

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