“Grasping at straws” this idiom refers to a drowning person grabbing any floating object, even a straw, to save themselves, and if there’s one iota of self honesty, this will be seen for the mind bondage that it is. To me this is a perfect example of how to explain one of the obstacles the Conditioned Mind uses to keep a person in a state of unconsciousness. The is the reason reaching for the next fix is the tool that most humans have in place. I know it’s what I had in place for many years and it’s why there wasn’t any stability in my life. Life will be what life is, but if the foundation is one that is “grasping at straws” the ride will be one of chaos, confusion, and mayhem, at best. Everything that happens will be taken as it’s happening to you and when life is made personal look out, all kinds of nonsense arises.
This nonsense was my life for many years simply because “grasping at straws” was at the core of my existence. It’s the grasping itself that will need to be looked at if it’s to ever stop or at least lessen. I grasped for so many things that I would consider the list endless. From drugs and alcohol, to women, gambling, success, God, programs (self help & 12 Step) and so many other things, always thinking the next so called straw was going to save me, but to my dismay it never did. This grasping was something that was deeply rooted within my subconscious, and it was at the core of all my problems; always needing to do, never able to Be. The grasping changed when I stopped reaching for alcohol and drugs in 1987, but nothing internal changes until the conditioning to grasp subsides. Along with this grasping comes a life of bondage, attachment, and much nonsense as this grasping is the root of one’s own created suffering.

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