With an outward view of life there’s always justification to point a finger at someone for causing problems. When your view is turned inward you see there’s no one to blame…
For many years I needed someone to blame to justify the way I reacted to life. Although I also blamed life in reality my life was great, I just couldn’t see it. There was always this inner yearning of discontentment; it was my own mind that created this yearning by it not being understood, I just assumed the yearning was there because someone else was causing it so they were blamed accordingly. The main characteristic of the Conditioned Mind is to keep you looking outward and creating enough distractions that it becomes nearly impossible to look inward. Blaming others for what happens is one of the main tools of the Conditioned Mind to keep you imprisoned to its distractions. What’s needed to be understood about this is it’s your own mind that does this.
This is what blaming does, it reinforces Conditioned Mind Patterns that are used by the ego. This is a real dilemma until there’s awareness bestowed upon you to stop looking outward and began looking inward. When this awareness occurs, lo and behold the blaming stops because it’s seen there‘s no one to blame, especially yourself. And why there’s no one to blame when you look inward is because you see no one is truly there…

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