Formed concepts keep you in a conditioned prison, this blocks you from seeing in the stillness of non labeling there’s no lock on your prison cell there’s only the beauty of life that non labeling reveals…
The essence of life can only be seen when it’s viewed from a non labeling perspective. Labeling life does nothing to enhance its beauty. It exist without the label, actually labels limit you from seeing life’s beauty because by labeling it it becomes conceptual and in your formed concepts are your limits. This is how it is with most things that exist in life, they don’t need labels. In the case of life itself, it gets all it needs from the Universe. It doesn’t think about how it can enhance its own beauty, this is a natural process. It’s like this with everything, but it’s only seen once conceptual living begins to slow. No label enhances anything, there’s usefulness in categorizing things, but this doesn’t enhance whatever’s being labeled.
This is why it’s said “In stillness all truth is revealed” because when the mind is free of conceptual labeling, there’s an understanding of things that’s very difficult to explain with words. It’s the reason I often write “it is seen as it is seen” in response to some people who post on my articles, because no matter how much I try to convince someone to see what I see, it’s almost impossible, almost. Because of the conditioning in place people have a hard time with someone possibly knowing more than them, so they close down and miss the true essence of what’s really happening. As with the all of life you will know truth when it‘s seen that something exist without needing to label it. Our formed concepts keep us in a conditioned prison, this blocks out seeing that in the stillness of non labeling there’s no lock on their prison cell there’s only the beauty of life that non labeling reveals…

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