Awakening from the dream of an egoic I is as if an entirely new base to view the world is made available; a base that was always there, it just wasn’t in place because of being lulled to sleep…
Many things contribute to the way things are in our society, this is not to say it’s necessarily right or wrong, but you needn’t look too far to notice that something’s awry. Between all the divorces, the shooting sprees, big pharma, terrorism, politics, wars, porn being a billion dollar industry, the whole structure of our entertainment and sports venues, the salaries of CEO’s, taxes on the middle class, need I keep going, but there is a common factor as to why things are as they are, it’s because at the core base of life for many people is from an egoic I that can only think of itself.
When there’s divorce one of the partners usually strays to satisfy the egoic I and it’s usually justified by making some excuse as to why it’s being done; this is just part of why things are as they are. The families that stay together are usually based in we, not I, and this can be said for just about every situation that is chaotic and not harmonious with others and with life. The nature of chaos is based in the egoic I, and it responds accordingly to decision made by individuals that are also based to satisfy a self known as the egoic I.
A gauge to see if an awakening has at least begun is by how much or not how much your thinking is controlled by an egoic I. When all is said and done this is what has been at the core of what I have awakened to; to me it’s all that’s needed.
As it states in the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. To me enteral life is being in harmony with the energy of love that has an everlasting effect on life, which is only possible when you’re not controlled by an egoic I…

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