Monsters don’t live under the bed, they live inside your head, but until the mind settles so you can look inside your head, you’re always going to think monsters live under the bed…
Monsters don’t live under the bed, they live inside your head. My entire life was made up of the monsters in my head that my mind created through the way I was conditioned. The mind is nothing but energy, but the content of the way it’s conditioned determines whether monsters are created. Sometimes angels are created, but they are still made up. Kind of like whistling in the dark to keep away the boogie man or in this case the monsters. As long as the need to whistle is there the monsters will not go away.
The monsters that live in the head are as fake as the ones that live under the bed; all you have to do is look under the bed to expose this lie. The conditioning tells you not to look so the lie along with the monsters remain in place. This can be changed for angels and you would think it would be better to have them living under the bed, and although Angels have a better reputation than monsters, they too are a created lie.
This is where the simplicity of life steps in if you can just understand nothing lives under the bed, no monsters, no angels, nothing and there is also nothing in your head except the story of what your conditioning creates. This is what takes the simplicity out of life and makes it difficult, and why this creates difficulty is because life is lived as a story of what’s in your head instead of the simple fact that nothing lives under the bed…

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