There has always been energy, out of it the human race began, and although we don’t look and talk the same, we’re all from the same energy; this makes our differences only on the surface…
The value of the mind settling is priceless because it allows awareness of what’s truly going on in life. Here’s a story about a pumpkin patch where everyday the pumpkins fight with each other. The gardener would keep the peace as best he could, but to no avail the moment he left the fighting would commence. One day the fighting was really out of control and the gardener suggested sitting to the pumpkins. Although the pumpkins were reluctant, they did it. The fighting finally subsided as the pumpkins settled down and became quiet.
As this quietness took hold one of the pumpkins noticed there was something on top of his head. As this was investigated it was noticed that it went to the pumpkin that it was just fighting with. As these two discussed this and investigated this further, it was discovered that all the pumpkins in this patch were connected. It was also understood that this meant they were all from the same energy. The awareness of this which arose from the quietness of sitting, showed their bond. No longer did the pumpkins fight, matter of fact they become one of the best producing pumpkin patches of their time.
Substitute the pumpkins with people and it isn’t much different. Without something in place that allows the mind to settle most of the drama that occurs in life wouldn’t happen. The only way anything new is allowed into your life is if the old isn’t taking up all of your minds space. Space is needed to see what’s truly going on and if there isn’t any nothing new will be seen and the old will continue to run the show. Our connection as humans isn’t seen because of all the noise going on and unfortunately it will continue until people notice as the pumpkins did, that we’re all connected and created from the same energy…

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