Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts they will control you as if you are wearing a blindfold which will lead you to blindly be controlled by them…
If there isn’t awareness of your own thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing of the blindfold you have on and how much they control they you; without this awareness you’ll be blindly taken on blindfold ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of your arisen thoughts is essential if you’re to not walk around blindfolded. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise, to me there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for a split second of space that can be used to determine whether or not the thought controls you or not; remember it’s blindfolded attachment to a certain thought that causes suffering, not the thought itself.
The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there’s some awareness of how blindfolded controlling your thoughts actually are, they will and this has to happen, control you as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you are doing things that are labeled as loving, if these thoughts aren’t watched they will eventually control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of its subtleness in keeping you blindfolded so it can be in control. Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts you will be blindfolded attached to them which will allow them to blindly be in control…

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