If you don’t have control over your mind your mind will control you. Your freedom is contingent on this and either there’ll be discipline to be in control, or not and your mind will be in control…
If you don’t have control over your own mind, your mind will have control over you, and it will manifest as behavior not conducive to love. This is not easy to understand because of the lack of developed discipline. If you investigate this, you’ll see not only where your stories come from, but also how they don’t add anything beneficial to your life. Yet you create them, but it’s not really you who does this, it’s the undisciplined, uncontrolled mind. You will understand this truth when you stop being controlled by your mind and stop creating unnecessary stories. By learning to control your mind, you’ll gain control over your emotional state and the way you react to situations. By being controlled by your mind you are pulled around as if you are a dog on a leash, but I think a dog actually has more freedom.
When there isn’t a created story what remains is emptiness and you are that emptiness. Not in the sense that there’s nothing there, but more so because your mind is not in control. The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and will not allow you to understand this emptiness because it will mean you are gaining control over it. It’s the last thing the Conditioned Mind wants you to do because it’s the end of the control it has over you.
To truly love, control of your own mind is needed so you can say no to things that aren’t beneficial to you and yes to the things that are. This will take much discipline, much more than most people are willing to develop. This is why the world is the way it is because not enough people are willing to do what’s necessary to gain control of their own mind. This lack of willingness doesn’t allow love to be our minds default setting.
Without discipline, to much of what others do and outer circumstances are allowed to control your emotional state. Because of this, life leads most people on an emotional roller coaster. Far to many people are attached to their emotions to the point that there’s no control whatsoever of their own mind. So simply put, “If you don’t have control over your own mind, your mind will have control over you” and your freedom will be fleeting at best…

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