Inner harmony results in your ability to love; it’s a simple decision to be made. A self serving mind generates inner chaos with itself, love generates a mind that’s in harmony with itself…
The simplicity of life is related to your ability to love which allows for inner harmony with your own mind. That’s why its imperative to understand not the great secrets of the Universe, but your own mind. When the mind is in harmony with itself, it’s in harmony with all that is; it’s as simple as that. The same mind creates inner chaos and inner harmony which of these is are manufactured determines the outcome of your life.
Inner chaos is generated by the energy of a self serving mind and doesn’t make life conducive to love, so if chaos is what’s being created than there won’t be much harmony or simplicity. What direction the mind goes in is the energy that it generates, and to that extent will there be inner harmony. Inner harmony is simply your ability to love. This is your hearts direction, hence it becomes the direction of your mind. When love is generated it produces much different results than when the energy generated is self serving. The results are in the form of being in harmony with all beings. Love is the simplest form of life, simply love and inner harmony will be. Or not and life will remain a struggle, but don’t blame life for this because it’s your own energy that directs what’s chosen; love is simple to understand, but not easy to generate…