Inner Harmony

Inner harmony results in your ability to love; it’s a simple decision to be made. A self serving mind generates inner chaos with itself, love generates a mind that’s in harmony with itself…

The simplicity of life is related to your ability to love which allows for inner harmony with your own mind. That’s why its imperative to understand not the great secrets of the Universe, but your own mind. When the mind is in harmony with itself, it’s in harmony with all that is; it’s as simple as that. The same mind creates inner chaos and inner harmony which of these is are manufactured determines the outcome of your life.

Inner chaos is generated by the energy of a self serving mind and doesn’t make life conducive to love, so if chaos is what’s being created than there won’t be much harmony or simplicity. What direction the mind goes in is the energy that it generates, and to that extent will there be inner harmony. Inner harmony is simply your ability to love. This is your hearts direction, hence it becomes the direction of your mind. When love is generated it produces much different results than when the energy generated is self serving. The results are in the form of being in harmony with all beings. Love is the simplest form of life, simply love and inner harmony will be. Or not and life will remain a struggle, but don’t blame life for this because it’s your own energy that directs what’s chosen; love is simple to understand, but not easy to generate…

Realities Delusion

A dream is no different than a memory of a past occurrence. Its no wonder there’s confusion, this is what’s in place to distinguish if life is real or if it’s all a delusion…

Today is my day off, yesterday I was working. Was I really there or was it a delusion? I have a memory  of being there, but I also remember last nights dream. Both seem just as real. I have no answers for this, it’s just one of the phenomenons of life. It amazes me that no matter what goes on in life it passes. A moment, an hour, a day, a week, a year, decades, just like that, poof, gone. One of the things I do know is to just be with what happens in each moment and to remain present so at least I will be aware of the life of I Am.

An individuals life is very fleeting, concepts and beliefs are used to try to make sense of it, but they don’t really work because the more they are held onto the more difficult an individuals existence is. It almost like the flow of life is cut off when concepts and beliefs are used. The flow of the Universe cannot be stopped. It always has been and will always be and no human concept or belief will stop this nor will the individual intellect ever figure out its beginning or end. The individual tries to figure this out by forming beliefs and concepts that are provided by a memory. A memory really has no distinction between a dream and past occurrences so no wonder this process called life causes difficulty. Theres nothing real in an individuals existence because as soon as anything happens it becomes a memory and how can anything be relied on that can’t tell the difference between a past occurrence and a dream…

What's in Place

Don’t regret anything that’s been done in the past because it’s most likely going to be repeated in the future. This has to occur because it’s what’s in place, until the time comes that it’s not…

When you do what you do, understand it’s only done because its what’s in place, no other reason. This doesn’t absolve anyone from being accountable for doing something that isn’t conducive to love, but if love isn’t in place then how may I ask do you think you are going to love? For anyone to act in a manner conducive to love, it not only has to be in place, but there has to be a willingness for it to become the habitual conditioning of life. You will only do what’s in place until what’s in place is replaced. And until what’s in place is replaced you will only do what’s you are conditioned to do; how can you not, it’s what’s in place. You can never not do what’s in place because it’s the only thing that’s there to do.

Don’t regret for a second what you’ve done in the past because it will probably be repeated at some future time. That’s all one can be expected to do. So if you want what’s in place to be more in line with love you will have to make love what’s in place. The point of this is to show that the past needs to remain in the past. Even though you’re always present for your life, if you think about it some past experience is almost always used in the present. This will most likely never change nor will the future change because regardless of all the beliefs and concepts that roll around in your head, the bottom line is you can only do what’s in place and this is because it’s the only thing that’s there; until the time comes that it isn’t…

No One to Blame

With an outward view of life there’s always justification to point a finger at someone for causing problems. When your view is turned inward you see there’s no one to blame…

For many years I needed someone to blame to justify the way I reacted to life. Although I also blamed life in reality my life was great, I just couldn’t see it. There was always this inner yearning of discontentment; it was my own mind that created this yearning by it not being understood, I just assumed the yearning was there because someone else was causing it so they were blamed accordingly. The main characteristic of the Conditioned Mind is to keep you looking outward and creating enough distractions that it becomes nearly impossible to look inward. Blaming others for what happens is one of the main tools of the Conditioned Mind to keep you imprisoned to its distractions. What’s needed to be understood about this is it’s your own mind that does this.

This is what blaming does, it reinforces Conditioned Mind Patterns that are used by the ego. This is a real dilemma until there’s awareness bestowed upon you to stop looking outward and began looking inward. When this awareness occurs, lo and behold the blaming stops because it’s seen there‘s no one to blame, especially yourself. And why there’s no one to blame when you look inward is because you see no one is truly there…

Blindfold Control

Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts they will control you as if you are wearing a blindfold which will lead you to blindly be controlled by them…

If there isn’t awareness of your own thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing of the blindfold you have on and how much they control they you; without this awareness you’ll be blindly taken on blindfold ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of your arisen thoughts is essential if you’re to not walk around blindfolded. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise, to me there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for a split second of space that can be used to determine whether or not the thought controls you or not; remember it’s blindfolded attachment to a certain thought that causes suffering, not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there’s some awareness of how blindfolded controlling your thoughts actually are, they will and this has to happen, control you as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you are doing things that are labeled as loving, if these thoughts aren’t watched they will eventually control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of its subtleness in keeping you blindfolded so it can be in control. Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts you will be blindfolded attached to them which will allow them to blindly be in control…

Truth Allows Clarity

Clarity of “I” attachment is based in truth, and truth is based in stillness. A noise based mind produces lies which is the nature of noise; only in truth can there be clarity…

You will not learn to live by truth if you’re not using tools that allow truth. Many have gone before us and left us tools of truth, but what do we do with them, we look for loopholes so we can do what we want and ignore their teachings. There are so many tools that point us to truth’s clarity, but they’re ignored because of “I”. So many have left us teachings of truth, but we don’t see the clarity of their messages because we judge the messages and the messenger with our own Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as truth so we can satisfy our I Self.

What we think truth is isn’t truth; it’s perception. There’s my perceived truth and your perceived truth, but neither of them provides the clarity that allows truth. Only the stillness beyond all thought allows truth, but you will never understand it or see it until you are quiet enough to know it’s right in front of you and has nothing to do with what you think. That’s the thing about truth, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the “I” generated noise it’s perception you’re most likely seeing as truth is something that only a very settled mind will clearly see…

Christmas Present

Our greatest gift is the gift of life, even though the Conditioned Mind wants to make it about something else, it’s simply the greatest gift because one day it will not be so…

Enjoy the splendor of this day, not because it’s Christmas, but because you are alive today to simply experience it. The true gift of Christmas or whatever holiday is celebrated is being alive; one day this will not be so. Obviously if this is being read today isn’t that day so enjoy whatever today has to offer in all its splendor, not because of the material possessions, but simply because you are alive. If being alive isn’t enough there’s nothing that will make it so. Since today is the day you’re given make it the masterpiece you so deserve, and more importantly keep your inner light lit on this day and everyday hereafter so you can be a light to the world. Remember the greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of life, and it’s simply because one day it will not be so. Enjoy your gift, Merry Christmas…

Reaching Restrictions

Whatever it is that you reach for it becomes your restricting energy. If you don’t stop reaching so there’s some space created that’s needed for you to love, you will be the one who suffers the most…

The so called choice to reach for things is the gateway to suffering, but there really isn’t a choice here because of the way the Conditioned Mind controls. Your suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned reaching in place. If this is to change you will have to create space so the reaching is replaced by first stillness and than love; there’s no way around this. Reach for whatever the flavor of the day, week, month, or year is, just understand there will always be something to reach for which will cause you to suffer. Today it’s politics, tomorrow it’s a co worker, the job, traffic, weather, relatives, and so on. This will never change until there’s space for love. If you reach for one individual and bemoan them, you don’t truly have the space for love in your heart; strong language, but true…

Unconditional love can only be without one iota of reaching; this is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see. I can say I have love for all humanity, what I don’t love is humanity’s conditioning, but I do understand it and I choose not to reach to conditioned nonsense. To reach for things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are reaching for because it becomes your restricting energy. Until this is understood you become the very thing that you show disdain towards. This is a Universal Law; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you because it is you. Stop reaching and create space in your heart for love, if you don’t you are the one who will suffer the most by remaining with the restricting energy of what you are reaching for…

A Realistic Gauge

Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned its default state is mostly agitated. A realistic gauge of the mind is if you’re at peace right now with the world exactly as it is without having to save it…

Do whatever it is you think you need to do to get the desired results you think are needed, but see what’s guiding you. If you’re to get a realistic gauge as to what’s really going on in your life, there will have to be a deep awareness of why you are going in the direction you’re going. There are reasons why a person constantly struggles with being at peace and as subtle as this can be, it’s not something most people consciously think about. Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned, its normal state is mostly agitated. From the time a person starts their day the agitations begins. The alarm clocks rings and the snooze button is hit and although it’s not thought about that you’re not at peace, the bottom line is you’re not.

Constantly having to do something is caused by the mind being agitated which keeps you from the awareness of the agitation. Save the world if that’s the direction you think you need to go in, just understand maybe the world doesn’t need you to save it. If you’re not truly at peace in the moment without having to do anything, that’s what really needs to be looked at. Nothing else matters regardless of what you’re doing because it’s only a made up story that keeps the mind in an agitated state. Many people are so busy trying to save the world that they don’t see the forest from the trees. Until the beauty of the moment is seen and you can just be with that, peace will not be had because you will be too busy trying to save a world that just may not need saving. To me a realistic gauge of a settled the mind is if you’re at peace right now with the world exactly as it is without having an agitated need to save it…

Mind Chatter

A chattering mind won’t quiet on its own regardless of what your belief system is. Beliefs hinder the quieting because they’re just a response to mind chatter that blocks your inner presence…

If your mind chatter is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be in a place of peace. It’s such a chattering world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outward when the answer is within. What the chatter actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind chatter. This is how the chatter of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to your inner presence. It’s chatter created because if you knew you had your answers the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind chatter.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove the mind chatter, but it’s not something that’s going to happen on its owns. Isn’t it beautiful that your peace is in your hands, that it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into your life. A little practice equates to a little peace so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to stop the mind chatter. As you practice being in the moment the mind chatter quiets and you’re left with an inner presence. If you are waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a very long time and it will probably not happen while you are alive in this form…

Changing Your Habits

The only way to change your conditioned habits is to have something in place that will allow them to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness something needs changing…

Listening to the radio is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the last part of a song. When the song was over I began looking for another song. Twenty seconds on one station, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the radio when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to change the conditioning even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the radio (the fixation) are old songs, yet we listen the same song (thought) over an over. Even though there are many songs being played, we get stuck on looking for ones we like.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to change your mind when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this changing your habits will be just about impossible. The only way to change a habit is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness a habit needs changing. It may be a repeated thought disguised with many different labels, but it’s still a habit. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see the mind for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized the habit needs to be changed; this realization will only occur if you have something in place that’s worth changing to…

Connected Energy

There has always been energy, out of it the human race began, and although we don’t look and talk the same, we’re all from the same energy; this makes our differences only on the surface…

The value of the mind settling is priceless because it allows awareness of what’s truly going on in life. Here’s a story about a pumpkin patch where everyday the pumpkins fight with each other. The gardener would keep the peace as best he could, but to no avail the moment he left the fighting would commence. One day the fighting was really out of control and the gardener suggested sitting to the pumpkins. Although the pumpkins were reluctant, they did it. The fighting finally subsided as the pumpkins settled down and became quiet.

As this quietness took hold one of the pumpkins noticed there was something on top of his head. As this was investigated it was noticed that it went to the pumpkin that it was just fighting with. As these two discussed this and investigated this further, it was discovered that all the pumpkins in this patch were connected. It was also understood that this meant they were all from the same energy. The awareness of this which arose from the quietness of sitting, showed their bond. No longer did the pumpkins fight, matter of fact they become one of the best producing pumpkin patches of their time.

Substitute the pumpkins with people and it isn’t much different. Without something in place that allows the mind to settle most of the drama that occurs in life wouldn’t happen. The only way anything new is allowed into your life is if the old isn’t taking up all of your minds space. Space is needed to see what’s truly going on and if there isn’t any nothing new will be seen and the old will continue to run the show. Our connection as humans isn’t seen because of all the noise going on and unfortunately it will continue until people notice as the pumpkins did, that we’re all connected and created from the same energy…

Monsters Inside Your Head

Monsters don’t live under the bed, they live inside your head, but until the mind settles so you can look inside your head, you’re always going to think monsters live under the bed…

Monsters don’t live under the bed, they live inside your head. My entire life was made up of the monsters in my head that my mind created through the way I was conditioned. The mind is nothing but energy, but the content of the way it’s conditioned determines whether monsters are created. Sometimes angels are created, but they are still made up. Kind of like whistling in the dark to keep away the boogie man or in this case the monsters. As long as the need to whistle is there the monsters will not go away.

The monsters that live in the head are as fake as the ones that live under the bed; all you have to do is look under the bed to expose this lie. The conditioning tells you not to look so the lie along with the monsters remain in place. This can be changed for angels and you would think it would be better to have them living under the bed, and although Angels have a better reputation than monsters, they too are a created lie.

This is where the simplicity of life steps in if you can just understand nothing lives under the bed, no monsters, no angels, nothing and there is also nothing in your head except the story of what your conditioning creates. This is what takes the simplicity out of life and makes it difficult, and why this creates difficulty is because life is lived as a story of what’s in your head instead of the simple fact that nothing lives under the bed…

Reactor or Responder

When “I” is in control you react to life with the protective tools that have been developed so you don’t get hurt. But know this, the tools developed for protection are the same ones that cause you harm…

To live life by principles based in spirituality doesn’t mean you just let things happen. It’s really the opposite, you become more aware of what’s going on in life so you have more control of it and responds to it from a place of love instead of reacting to it from who knows where. Without awareness, life controls how things affect you and the more you want things different, the more you’ll react to life instead of responding to it.

When these reactions occur it’s because you’re not present enough to be with what’s happening in this exact moment. Normally you’re carrying some past event into the present moment and this is what makes you a reactor instead of a responder. It’s very difficult to remain in a state of presence on a continuous bases, but this is where the necessity for discipline comes in. Without it you’ll remain as a reactor because there won’t be the development of the necessary tools to change and become a responder.

Life is always what it is, what makes it different for everyone is the developed tools to cope with what happens in the present moment. Life can be lived through the noise in the head or it can be lived in the quietness of what is occurring right now. There’s only quietness when you’re without an attached story. It’s up to each individual where life is spent, the level of quietness there is and if your life is based in a story or if it’s based in the quietness of the moment. When it’s based in quietness you respond to life instead of a reacting to it because of the need to create a story…

Controlling Your Mind

If you don’t have control over your mind your mind will control you. Your freedom is contingent on this and either there’ll be discipline to be in control, or not and your mind will be in control…

If you don’t have control over your own mind, your mind will have control over you, and it will manifest as behavior not conducive to love. This is not easy to understand because of the lack of developed discipline. If you investigate this, you’ll see not only where your stories come from, but also how they don’t add anything beneficial to your life. Yet you create them, but it’s not really you who does this, it’s the undisciplined, uncontrolled mind. You will understand this truth when you stop being controlled by your mind and stop creating unnecessary stories. By learning to control your mind, you’ll gain control over your emotional state and the way you react to situations. By being controlled by your mind you are pulled around as if you are a dog on a leash, but I think a dog actually has more freedom.

When there isn’t a created story what remains is emptiness and you are that emptiness. Not in the sense that there’s nothing there, but more so because your mind is not in control. The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and will not allow you to understand this emptiness because it will mean you are gaining control over it. It’s the last thing the Conditioned Mind wants you to do because it’s the end of the control it has over you.

To truly love, control of your own mind is needed so you can say no to things that aren’t beneficial to you and yes to the things that are. This will take much discipline, much more than most people are willing to develop. This is why the world is the way it is because not enough people are willing to do what’s necessary to gain control of their own mind. This lack of willingness doesn’t allow love to be our minds default setting. 

Without discipline, to much of what others do and outer circumstances are allowed to control your emotional state. Because of this, life leads most people on an emotional roller coaster. Far to many people are attached to their emotions to the point that there’s no control whatsoever of their own mind. So simply put, “If you don’t have control over your own mind, your mind will have control over you” and your freedom will be fleeting at best…

Unconscious Thoughts

Most thoughts become a self created prison because the thoughts are usually given so much unnecessary energy that they go beyond the point where they’re beneficial to anyone…

It’s very important to grasp exactly what a thought is and how it arises from the Conditioned Mind if there’s to be any chance of not succumbing to its tantalizing grip. Here’s what occurs when a thought arises. Let’s say it’s time to get in your car and go to work, you’ve given yourself plenty of time to get there and the weather is simple gorgeous, so now you begin the drive. As you’re driving you come to a railroad crossing and a train is coming. As you’re waiting for the train to pass it has to be at least a hundred and fifty cars long; you‘re waiting patiently as you know you have plenty of time to get to your destination. The train finally passes and you go, but now there’s traffic and it’s moving slowly; as you’re stuck in this traffic the cushion you gave yourself to get to work has dwindled, now your Conditioned Mind begins its nonsense.

It all starts by the traffic being a trigger that activates the conditioning in the form of a thought, this creates a mind agitation wanting the traffic not to be there. This is how a thought is given energy to grow. It has nothing to do with the fact that there’s traffic, but it has everything to do with the fact that’s there’s attachment to traffic, that’s how the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind works; substitute the traffic with anything. At the core of attachment is I, without I none of the nonsense would transpire, it can’t because there’s nothing to attach to. I is present in this situation so now you’re attached ; until this runs its course or the traffic subsides you’ll remain in the thoughts grip. Even after the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind subsides, the trace energy will remain because although you aren’t late for work, you don’t have the cushion you gave yourself so your thoughts are concerned with being late and this becomes your conditioned story. Until you finally get to work and tell someone this story, it will fester and you will keep telling yourself how you really hate traffic, but the reality of all this is, although traffic is what triggered you, it wouldn’t matter what it was, you really just want life to be the way that you want it and when it isn’t it opens the door for all kinds of conditioned nonsense…

Lack of Awareness

Truth makes a person look at themselves. All sorts of things arise when there’s awareness this happens and because of this the mind becomes agitated and creates a lie to avoid the truth…

It’s unfortunate, but most people live a life consumed by lies more so than truth. They believe they’re living by truth, but upon further investigation this fallacy can be seen. On the outside the lies seem so much better and this is what keeps a person locked into them, but this is only because your conditioning makes the lies seem better. The truth makes you look at yourself; all sorts of things arise when this happens. Without this understanding the truth will be avoided as if it was a plague. Becoming aware of the lies so truth can be revealed is essential in understanding yourself. Sit with the assumption that you will sit in stillness and watch how little stillness there is. Just sit and be with whatever’s there, that’s where truth is. When the mind isn’t looking for anything, truth arises.

Lack of awareness causes the mind to create lies, being with this lack is when the mind settles. This doesn’t mean you don’t make changes, but when changes aren’t needed the mind is settled. This is why I don’t share about positive versus negative, because if it’s negative and you want something positive, it’s no different than if you’re positive and you don’t want anything negative. An agitated mind is a mind that needs things to be a certain way whether it’s positive or negative. This is a lack of awareness lie, the truth is nothing needs to be different and your mind will settle when life is accepted as it is, positive, negative, or indifferent…

Awakened Base

Awakening from the dream of an egoic I is as if an entirely new base to view the world is made available; a base that was always there, it just wasn’t in place because of being lulled to sleep…

Many things contribute to the way things are in our society, this is not to say it’s necessarily right or wrong, but you needn’t look too far to notice that something’s awry. Between all the divorces, the shooting sprees, big pharma, terrorism, politics, wars, porn being a billion dollar industry, the whole structure of our entertainment and sports venues, the salaries of CEO’s, taxes on the middle class, need I keep going, but there is a common factor as to why things are as they are, it’s because at the core base of life for many people is from an egoic I that can only think of itself.

When there’s divorce one of the partners usually strays to satisfy the egoic I and it’s usually justified by making some excuse as to why it’s being done; this is just part of why things are as they are. The families that stay together are usually based in we, not I, and this can be said for just about every situation that is chaotic and not harmonious with others and with life. The nature of chaos is based in the egoic I, and it responds accordingly to decision made by individuals that are also based to satisfy a self known as the egoic I.

A gauge to see if an awakening has at least begun is by how much or not how much your thinking is controlled by an egoic I. When all is said and done this is what has been at the core of what I have awakened to; to me it’s all that’s needed.

As it states in the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. To me enteral life is being in harmony with the energy of love that has an everlasting effect on life, which is only possible when you’re not controlled by an egoic I…

No Label Needed

Life doesn’t label itself, we apply what we think is the appropriate label to what occurs. Without the label life would still occur, but as it is, not as it’s labeled…

A true understanding of your own mind is the only way that you’ll ever understand your life. It’s the only way to truly see the beauty of a sunrise, or to feel the breeze of a crisp fall day. What do you see when there are ducks swimming in a pond or a star filled sky? If you just see what’s on the surface there’s a great sadness because what’s seen beyond the that cannot truly be described. It can be labeled, but that is not what you truly see. Does the sunrise describe itself? Does the breeze know it’s blowing? How about the ducks, are they aware of what they’re doing in the pond and the stars, so many stars, do they know what their function in all of this is?

Without one single label everything would still be. Without the labeling conditioned mind life still is; it doesn’t need a label to be. If you died right now, life as YOU know it would be over, but understand life wouldn’t miss a beat, it would go on. Dying is just a part of life, it’s just the way it is; dying is a natural as birth so in death life just continues as if you never were; geary doesn’t affect life one bit. Life doesn’t label you, you label life. Understand yourself so you can understand life, but as stated earlier not in the form of a label, but by allowing life to do what it does and seeing what is truly going on beyond the labeling process of a Conditioned Mind. To be or not to be, life doesn’t care either way…


A view of duality causes inner and Universal separation because it creates a you, me, and them. Whenever this is the way life is viewed there will be separation because there’s a self that’s perceived…

An awakening is a shift from being caught up in an I Self world to seeing what’s really going on beyond all the distractions of duality. The phrase higher self is often used to explain what being awake is, but attachment to self causes duality anyway its looked at. You must go beyond any thought of self to truly awaken because any thought of self whether higher or lower is a distraction that keeps you locked into the I Self distractions. Any thought of self creates duality; oneness (no thought of a self) is the only true state of being. I’m old enough to have seen the old cartoons where an angel and devil would pop up on someone’s shoulders when they were about to make a decision, to me regardless of which self won out it was still a decision made by self. A belief of a higher self as opposed to a lower one makes for a nice story, but it just creates more separation.

This form that has manifested for humans to experience life only does what it does because of the conditioning in place. If there is less of this conditioning to not be controlled by the I Self count your blessings because most people (form) will die consumed by their I Self. It makes no difference whether it’s labeled higher or lower as self is self and until self is truly let go of, duality and not oneness will be the controlling energy of life. This duality causes inner and Universal separation as it creates a you, me, and them. Whenever this is the way life is viewed there will be separation because there’s a self that’s perceived…

Uncluttered View

An awakening provides an uncluttered view of your actions and the associated mind state. With this uncluttered view you become aware if the results of your actions are beneficial…

By having an uncluttered view you’re able to decipher the immediate affect of your actions in association to your current mind state. This doesn’t mean greed, hate, and delusional won’t be one of the mind states that arise, but you see the affects of these actions for what they are and the controlling characteristic of the associated mind state. If this isn’t seen with an uncluttered view these characteristics will continue their control as if you were a puppet on a string.

Some mind states to observe would be greed, hate and delusion and their polar opposites, generosity, love, and wisdom. These are the mind states most people fluctuate between, but with an uncluttered view it’s seen how the actions and the associated mind states are linked. What happens is first you can decipher what mind state is associated with your action and second it’s seen if the action is beneficial. It’s very easy to see resentment and its association with the mind state of hate, it doesn’t take much intelligence to see how this action isn’t beneficial to anyone, but without awareness of this you’ll remain entrapped to the mind state of hate and hence the associated actions. Intelligence has no bearing on this whatsoever. It also works this way with the action of giving. Giving with no expectations attached is an action associated with the mind state of generosity, you can definitely see how this action is a benefit; to me this is what an awakening is. One isn’t rendered white as snow because of becoming awake, but by the mind being uncluttered you’ll see clearly and become aware of your actions and the associated mind state of those actions. That’s when you’ll see if how you’re acting is truly a benefit not only to yourself, but to all beings…

Life's Essence

Formed concepts keep you in a conditioned prison, this blocks you from seeing in the stillness of non labeling there’s no lock on your prison cell there’s only the beauty of life that non labeling reveals…

The essence of life can only be seen when it’s viewed from a non labeling perspective. Labeling life does nothing to enhance its beauty. It exist without the label, actually labels limit you from seeing life’s beauty because by labeling it it becomes conceptual and in your formed concepts are your limits. This is how it is with most things that exist in life, they don’t need labels. In the case of life itself, it gets all it needs from the Universe. It doesn’t think about how it can enhance its own beauty, this is a natural process. It’s like this with everything, but it’s only seen once conceptual living begins to slow. No label enhances anything, there’s usefulness in categorizing things, but this doesn’t enhance whatever’s being labeled.

This is why it’s said “In stillness all truth is revealed” because when the mind is free of conceptual labeling, there’s an understanding of things that’s very difficult to explain with words. It’s the reason I often write “it is seen as it is seen” in response to some people who post on my articles, because no matter how much I try to convince someone to see what I see, it’s almost impossible, almost. Because of the conditioning in place people have a hard time with someone possibly knowing more than them, so they close down and miss the true essence of what’s really happening. As with the all of life you will know truth when it‘s seen that something exist without needing to label it. Our formed concepts keep us in a conditioned prison, this blocks out seeing that in the stillness of non labeling there’s no lock on their prison cell there’s only the beauty of life that non labeling reveals…

State of Awareness

Everything arises from a state of silence, but not everything’s heard from a state of awareness. Freedom from the known can happen, but only when it’s learned how to truly listen from a state of awareness…

It matters little what you hear, but how you listen does matter in the sense if it comes from a state of awareness. There’s all kinds of noise around us most of the time, and what’s mostly heard is labeled from our conditioned impulses. Freedom from the known can happen, but only when it’s learned how to truly listen, and you can only listen when you’re in a state of awareness; this is when you truly hear. This state of awareness arises from silence, there’s nothing to think about in a state of awareness. A dog barking, a car beeping its horn, a helicopter, a waterfall, the ocean, all sounds can be heard and as with any sound it can annoy you or anchor you in the present moment. There’s so much noise that goes on all around, but it has nothing to do with the sounds that are heard.

Everything arises from a state of silence, but not everything’s heard from a state of awareness. As I was sitting in my yard the other day listening to a guided meditation of a water falls the neighbors son came out to play basketball in his yard, he also preceded to play his music very loud to where my serenity was disturbed. I immediately took a deep breath and realized that although I was enjoying listening to the guided meditation I wasn’t in a state of awareness. If I was, when the sound changed to what arose from the silence, in this case my neighbors music, I wouldn’t have been annoyed. One deep breath showed me this, and it allowed me to be in a state of awareness to the sounds that were there in the present moment instead of the mind agitations of my conditioned impulses…

A Worthwhile Path

With so many paths to choose from, how can it be known if the one chosen is the most worthwhile? One way would be if there’s inner contentment even though things may not be as they are wanted…

If you don’t choose your path it will be chosen for you. The way you can distinguish whether it’s one you have chosen or one that’s chosen for you is by the love that’s emitted outward. There are many paths to choose from in life and where most err is choosing one that suits their desires instead of choosing one that focuses on healing yourself and others; what is meant by this is choose a path that’s worthwhile to all beings.

The path I have found to be the most worthwhile to all involved is the path of meditation. To me why it’s worthwhile is because it’s a process that makes you whole and when you’re whole the natural instinct of love arises; if you see meditation as worthwhile this is the path you will choose. It has to be worthwhile to you and all beings in the path that’s chosen, if it’s isn’t it won’t last. Most paths chosen are based in the material world, this is a path of reaching out there. People will even use a path of God like this; as though there’s something out there that’s making things happen. The path of love is what makes things happen and it’s an inward one that needs nothing to sustain it. Love arises from stillness and doesn’t take thought for it to occur, it arises from stillness itself and is self sustaining. This is why the path of mediation is worthwhile.

Process life from the path that you’re on, but if that path isn’t based in love it will cause disharmony, and many other dysfunctional results; for yourself and others. So you may not know which path is for you, but if you look around you’ll see which one isn’t for you and eventually all you will be left with is one that’s worthwhile, not only to you, but also for all beings…

Lies of Beliefs

Living from a true base of love is useful to the entire Universe, but until it’s understood that your life has nothing to do with you, not much that you do is going to be useful…

This article’s focus is on how not to get locked into a belief and to expose the lie of a beliefs need. Believe what you may, but if a belief is formed from some external source there’s no way it can truly be a benefit. All that I know today has come from within, not from some external source that creates the lie that life needs to be a certain way.

Most beliefs have been formed many years before our existence even began and I have found it’s not really a benefit to try and prove someone’s beliefs as right or wrong. They are being held onto for a reason and probably nothing short of a nuclear explosion will dislodge a person who is anchored to them, but that’s their own conditioned limit. I don’t find it useful to be anchored in something that isn’t really understood or isn’t factual. To me this is leaving my reactions to chance and life has enough chance associated with it that I don’t find there’s a need to add anymore.

The attachment to words are a limit. The attachment to beliefs are a limit. Faith is a belief in something, if it’s proven to be true that’s one thing, if not then it becomes wishful thinking. I have faith in discipline because I know it works. If my mind is controlling me and I repeat a mantra or some saying, I know it will stop the squirrel cage mind in its tracks. If this wasn’t known I probably wouldn’t do it; this truth known doesn’t happen because of a mind made deity. It hasn’t been my experience there‘s something up there controlling my life. I’m strictly speaking on my own experience.

Life has to be based in love if it’s to be useful, this is factual. Anything else that happens is based on a conditioned lie. When life is struggled with it’s because it isn’t the way you think it should be; it will be useful and beneficial to no one. So see the lie created by believing life needs to be a certain and maybe, just maybe you will see that your life really has nothing to do with you; believe it or not…

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Storied Dreams

If you truly want to follow your dreams simply look down at your feet. Unless the mind settles and there’s awareness of this, life will never be truly lived because you’ll be caught in the story of needing a dream…

Many attach to the saying “Follow your dreams” but if this is looked closely you would see how this holds you in captivity to the thinking that the dream is needed for happiness. The issue with this is when you‘re following the story of a so called dream, the reality of what’s happening  right now just passes you by. This doesn’t mean you can’t have dreams, just realize a dream is nothing but a story and even if it happens exactly as it’s wanted, thinking the dream will make you happy not the dream itself is the story. This falls in line with the grass is greener on the other side, until it’s realized there is no other side.

How many people make their life how they think it should be only to turn around and complain about it. You made it a certain way because you thought it was your dream and yet when it becomes your reality it’s not long before you realize it isn’t as fulfilling as you thought it was going to be. Or you were okay with certain aspects of it, but there were other parts to complain about. If you truly want to follow your dreams look down at your feet and realize good, bad, or indifferent you are your dreams. Unless the mind settles and you become aware of this, life will never be truly lived because you’ll be caught up in needing the story of following a dream instead of simply living your life…

Understanding Your Process

The mind is beautiful, but it must be understood the mind that loves is the same mind that hates. If this isn’t seen it will be very difficult to live life where it’s beneficial to all beings, including yourself.

This article is about me in the context of what happened and how a process was revealed to me that changed my entire existence. It’s not something I did, but without me in this form it would not have occurred. I know today at the core of what I share is a settled mind, but this was not always so and although meditation and concentration are a major part of my process, I had to learn first why these two things weren’t already in place; especially since without them I couldn’t get off the Conditioned Mind merry-go-round. Meditation and concentration are important tools in developing the necessary discipline that allows the mind to settle, but before these disciplines begin there should be a period of preparedness so there’s an understanding of why these are necessary.

Many people meditate but don’t really get what they should out of it because of the lack of understanding of their own mind. It would be best to study what exactly is the nature of a Conditioned Mind and how does it effect the way you live before pursuing a practice that allows the mind to settle. If you’re meditating for any other reason but to develop the necessary discipline that allows the settling of the mind, it probably will not happen.

The mind is beautiful, but it must be understood the mind that loves is same mind that hates, if this isn’t seen it will be very difficult to get anything out of meditation. Studying yourself is vital to the eradication of the conditioning in place; it will occur only when you stop thinking about yourself all the time. A true and honest understanding of yourself is needed to go beyond this self which exist whether you love or hate. Just understand love is so much more beneficial to all involved, but it will take a settled mind to see this, and it will only be seen when the discipline is developed to know your own mind…