To me the Universe is Love, it is we who turn away and focus our attention on our small self. This turning away is not our fault, it’s just what’s put in place by the energy of “I”. The collective energy of “I” is one singular energy that’s in control of so many people because a mind that’s conditioned by “I” doesn’t have a choice. It takes discipline to pull away from the collective to see what’s truly occurring and what this discipline does is it allows you to see your lies so you can stop giving in to them and align yourself with the Universe. By recognizing your lies you are given all that the Universe has to offers; that’s when your true self arises.
All of these so called lies are derived from the thought “I” and they hold you in captivity to a self that doesn’t truly exist (the small self). Of course we exist in our human form, but the small self only exist in our mind as the thought “I” (there’s no real substance to the thought “I”). A thought is just energy, it’s not the initial thought that’s not real, energy is real, it’s the delusional attachment that the thought “I” is you, that’s where the lies manifest from. If the thought “I” is allowed to just pass through there would be no problematic attachment. Energy always is, how it’s directed is what you will turn away from. You can turn away from self seeking or you can turn away from benefiting others; it will be directed one way or the other.
The transformation of a person from the self seeker to a person of love is the result of the Universe’s transforming energy. The transformation is a result of the love that’s in your own heart becoming unblocked. That’s what the transforming energy has the power to do, unblock your conditioned thought “I” so you can be aligned with the energy that is a benefit to the Universe and all beings. When you do this you turn away from your small self and you become available for all that the Universe has to offer…

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