Stop being distracted by all your made up nonsense and see what’s left. The question is can you be with whats left? It seems simple enough, but it’s very difficult not to get carried away by distractions and make up stories. After all a book could probably be written with all the stories that you have, but you know something even if you write a book it really doesn’t mean all that much in the grand scheme of things. That is unless you allow it to be a distraction then it will mean something, but what it’ll mean will be in relation to how its being allowed to be a distraction. Distractions take you from your place of peace and regardless if it’s positive or negative as long as it’s a distraction it will do what it’s designed to do; take you from your place of peace.
To me the bottom line to life is whether there is peace or not, not if it’s the way you think it should be. If you’re at peace with what is there won’t be a need to create a distraction, but if one is created it’s because you don’t know how to be with what is. That’s about all you can control is being with what is, that’s unless you allow your distractions to control you, if you even know they exist. The less distracted you are, the more peace there will be in your life and the more in tune you will be with the Universe, and through the peace of no distractions the Universe can use you to spread its message of peace that’s in your heart…

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