Think of these sayings and how they’re created and used to become distractions. What a tough week I had, It’s been the worse year of my life, If it wasn’t for bad luck I would have no luck at all, I just don’t like that person, He or she doesn’t like me, Hey that was my parking spot, I hope my boss is out today, I can’t wait to go on vacation next week, it’s Monday, and on an on. The other distractions that keep you distracted by your distractions are what’s reached for, food, tv, work, religion, politics, sex, spirituality, money, God, just to name a few, and how about the way we use people as distractions. The moment someone comes into view they’re labeled, which is just the way “I” uses this particular distraction. This list goes on and on and on with these distractions and it’s up to each individual to get in touch with this if you want to be free of these distraction which are all derived from the conditioning of “I”.
The irony of this is none of these distractions adds anything to enhance life one bit. They’re actually a block to the possibility of any enhancement and we alone are the ones creating this. Think of this, remove all the labeled thoughts that are used as distractions and just be with whatever it is that’s occurring right now. No distracted stories, just the reality of right now. Watch what you’re left with without the thoughts. Forget the stories others will keep theirs active for you, but forget yours. Let them simply fall away by not attaching to them. See what you’re left with when you do this. I’ll tell you what arose in me, I became responsible only for the life offered right now, not the one that is a make believe one conjured up by the Conditioned Mind that only exist as a made up story between your ears…

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