Some people are really full of themselves and all they can see is their own righteousness. They will hurt others and justify it as it being for the greater good, but it’s only their assessment of what that greater good is. I would say the greater good is to love, but that’s just for me; I do know this, there is no love in judging. No matter how right you think you are, love is always tolerant, it will never hurt another. If someone is doing something that you think is wrong, life will be their judge, but people feel it’s their right to take matters into their own hands. It’s utter nonsense to think I know what’s best for you when I’m not even sure I know what’s best for me, but how we can justify and really be full of ourselves in taking the inventory of others.
It’s truly amazing how quick people are to judge others, and the judgements are opinion based and only deal with what the person judging thinks. It matters little to the one judging how they affect the person as long as they can get it off their chest. After all, they have deemed themselves life’s spokesperson and they have an obligation to help others see the errs of their ways, so they think. Who is to say that what a person thinks is right for everyone and what makes one person think they know what’s best for someone else. I know I will never tell you how dirty your side of the street is because mine is also dirty; it’s just part of being human, but it amazes me how many people think they’re justified and perfect enough to tell someone else what’s right and what’s wrong. There’s only what’s right for you no matter how dirty someone else’s side of the street may be to you…

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