Being content is regarded as a place most people want to be, but it’s not necessarily the most beneficial place for a person to be. It may seem like it is, but it’s only because of the unconsciousness and ignorance that’s in control of so many lives. If your contentment is not based purely in the fact that you’re alive, the contentment will be illusionary. There are a lot of people who are content selling drugs, stealing, pimping, and many other dysfunctional behaviors and although these behaviors are extreme, there are as many people who are content in being wealthy and successful even though there are many people who are struggling to make ends meet. Then there are the politicians who are content making decisions based on what is best for them or their political affiliations and not for people as a whole. Most people aren’t really content with their life or they wouldn’t always be looking for the next satisfaction, or carrying around so much anger, guilt, envy, righteousness, jealously, pride, and greed. If one is content, nothing other than being alive would be needed, but this is not the way it is because to be content you must serve others by coming from a place of love. Not a self serving love, but a love that’s of the Universe. This love has nothing to do with what you have it’s contingent on what you give.
Life is not a blessing when you have much, it’s a blessing when you give much. The more you think your life is a blessing because of what you are have, the less contented you’ll be. If you don’t think this is so how contented would you be if all your so called blessings were not there, would you still be content? If your life isn’t based in love for others then it will be impossible for it to be a contented one because life will be about what you have, not what you give. Life is not a blessing because you have much. You can only be truly contented when it’s understood that life is based in your love for others and what you give. You will never be truly contented because of what you have; just something to think about…

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