The nature of the Conditioned Mind is to look at others instead of looking at yourself. It’s sad as there’s no benefit for anyone from this type of behavior because it’s not based in love, it’s opinion based. The thing about life is it will take care of itself. It doesn’t need anyone’s help to straighten out others so they conform to what you think; the only reason anyone judges is because the person being judged isn’t conforming to the way you think they should be doing things. Come from a place of love and allow life to take care of itself, but if you must try and force others to conform to the way you think things should be, remember even if you’re right you’re still only hurting yourself not the person being judged.
Judge away if you thinks that’s what you need, but the only one to truly be hurt is the one judging. Your judgements which are always from “I” will keep you marred in the exact thing you are judging. Since every judgement is from “I” even if you’re right in your judgment, you still don’t have the right to judge because no one is perfect enough not to have their own closet of skeletons. It’s very sad that people will say whatever is on their mind regardless of how it affects someone else just to satisfy their own inner lack; it’s from this inner lack that all judgements arise. If there was no inner lack there would not be the need to judge, ever and all you would be left with is love…

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