To experience a sense of completeness one must understand what it means to be complete. This isn’t something that comes about by doing good deeds, by volunteering, or by being good. It’s not random acts of kindness that makes one complete, or donating old clothes, none of these things will bring the sought after completeness. These are very good attributes to cultivate and make a part of daily living, but they do not make you complete. It has been my experience that any sense of completeness has to come from within, and it has to be acknowledged through the heart. It’s only through the love of the Universe that completeness can be known regardless of what is being done to try to promote it.
This has been the shift in my journey, to notice how wrapped up I am in myself, but by noticing this I have also been shown the direction to freedom; the direction is to let go of the small me. If we rely on our own self serving limited mind we will faultier and not reach our true potential. We may accomplish great worldly success, but this will be our limit, and it’s a limit that has to cause suffering throughout our life because there’s only a self serving source of strength to draw on. When we rely on the heart for our source for strength, we not only align ourselves to reach our true potential we remove the limits we put on ourselves. We stop being controlled by our small self. This limit on the reliance of self is what causes our incompleteness. Our completeness is in our inner reliance on the heart’s unlimited source of strength, without it the burden to find completeness falls solely on you…

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