One saying that really stays with me in my daily practice is “To be in the world, but not of it” It’s one that’s repeated throughout the day as the Conditioned Mind constantly tries to make me of the world. This is the view through the senses that the Conditioned Mind uses to form attachments to the material world. It’s not a true view, it’s a view that constantly needs to arrange life the way you think it should be by making it personal. Without attachment being of the world can not occur.
The only way to be in the world, but not of it and not be controlled by it is to understand how this control occurs. It’s a developed view through our senses that allows this control to happen. We see a world that becomes personal and it pulls us right in, but life isn’t personal, it happens even if there’s no “you” here. When it’s made personal, everything that happens happens to you, but life doesn’t do this, the Conditioned Mind does this. Nothing happens to you unless you allow it.
When you’re with life as it is it’s never personal because it’s understood nothing happens to you, it just happens. The timeless, ageless view of being in the world, but not of it only occurs in the present moment, it’s never personal though, it’s just life. Learning to have a view of simply being in the world allows for the energy to truly live life. What’s needed for this view is to see the world through an inward view, which is of the heart, instead of an outer view which is through the senses of the Conditioned Mind. When there is no longer attachment to the Conditioned Mind, it’s then that you can be in the world and not of it. This is the freedom of non attachment to a world controlled by the senses…

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