People aren’t at fault for the way they are, the human conditioning is at the root of everything that is going on, what previously went on, and what will go on in the future. Until one awakens to the love within their heart, not much will change One can only act as their conditioning dictates so don’t be so quick to judge another regardless if what is being done is agreed with or not. This doesn’t mean you have to accept the behavior of another that’s unloving, turning the other cheek doesn’t equate to feeding into someone’s unconscious behavior, but an understanding of why it’s being done doesn’t allow it to become personal. It’s written that Jesus said as he was dying on the cross “They know not what they do” and although the Pharisees made it personal, Jesus did not. To make something personal it has to come from “I” so when one lives from “I” everything has to be personal because that’s how the energy of “I” operates.
“I” is the root of suffering and it’s because making anything personal compounds the energy of whatever it is that’s happening. As this energy is compounded, it’s given the label of not liking and wanting what’s occurring to be different, this sets off a merry go round of motion that keeps one entrapped to this compounded energy. A person who lives from “I” will remain in their suffering regardless of what happens because everything will be taken personal as if it’s happening to you. People do things, but when they’re not exerting energy to compound whatever it is they’re doing, one will be able to not set in motion the merry go round that occurs when something is given the energy to make it personal. And as this is seen and not made personal, one will be able to simply say “They know not what they do”.

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