Simply Turn Away

When you can truly see how beneficial it is to come from a place of love, you will want to turn away from unloving behavior as much as possible because to not will only cause your own suffering.

There's a flow to loving energy that's cut off when you want things different and if you don't learn to simply turn away it will be difficult for the flow to return. This doesn't mean everything that happens will be liked, but by simply turning away, wanting things different energy won't cut off the flow of loving energy of keeping your head where your feet are in the present moment. After all to simply turn way is where peace abides. It's very difficult to do this all the time and I'm not saying I can, but I have learned to do it more and more. I still react in unloving ways at times because of the conditioning in place, but slowly loving energy is becoming the default energy. I don't always do the loving thing, but I definitely don't act in the selfish way I did for the first forty nine years of my life, but by understanding this even when it occurs it can be accepted by simply turning away.

Learning from each moment is key, I know perfection is not something I aspire to, that's why for me to simple turn away is so much more beneficial that giving something I may not really be sure of energy. To simply turn away is the most difficult in dealing with people, but a pivot point in this is when I can see how "I" wants to make it personal. Only "I" attaches and simply turning away naturally takes away making it personal. In summary simply turning away may be one of the most difficult things to learn in life. This is because of the conditioning of our I Self, but when one can truly see how beneficial it is to come from a place of love, you will want to turn away as much as possible because to not will only cause your own suffering.

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