One’s trek through life has nothing to do with it being done perfectly, nor does it mean it has to fall in line with what the majority think. As a matter of fact there’s no one thing in particular that makes life a success or failure except to accept that nobody’s perfect, including yourself. In this realization there’s a peace that allows one to not carry around burdens from the past or to not judge how others behave. There’s always what’s best for the greater good and being free of constricting energy, but this will only be seen when there’s acceptance of the way one is in this exact moment. When one’s anger arises it’s as perfect as when love arises. The other day I was on the beach and a family basically plopped down right on top of me and my wife. I got annoyed and said something to the father, a less than loving discussion ensued. Nothing major, but I got pulled in by the conditioning in place at that time. I quickly shut up and went up to the father to make matters right. Although I don’t condone behavior like this, I didn’t hold onto the residual energy of my conditioning.
Fast forward to an hour later and another couple sits near us, this time I just watched the mind try to make it a problem. I took a breath and that was the end of that. As they were close to us, I heard them talking as they were opening something to eat and they said they forgot napkins. I had some extra napkins and gave them some. You would have thought I gave them a million dollars. They said how nice I was and thanked me numerous times as they were very appreciative. I said to my wife amusingly, they should ask that other family how nice I am, lol. Learning to move on from something allows one to reflect and learn from it, and to me to move on allows the loving energy to continuously flow instead of the constricting energy of self loathing to be in control. It’s this loving energy that not only changes you, but it also changes all those who are touched by it, so regardless of what arises move on and live as perfectly as you can, just remember nobody’s perfect.

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