Endlessly trying to get what you want is the root to your suffering because even if what you want is attained, trying to get what you want will not stop there. Trying, reaching, grasping or whatever it’s called is at the root of suffering because it doesn’t allow one to be with what is actually here. What has to happen if this endless trying to get what you want is to ever stop is the need has to subside. This need is only in place because of the Conditioned Mind making you think you need what you want. There’s no other reason to try to get what you want unless you are unhappy with what you have. This is how we fill the empty spaces in our life. They have to be filled because that mind doesn’t know how to just be with what’s here right now.
One day the endless trying will end because life in this form will end, but you will be no more complete than the day existence in this form began. Think about it, most people spend their entire life bouncing from one thing to another in search of filling the empty spaces that arise, but only because it’s not known that this need is a delusion. It’s so subtle this need to fill, that most will die thinking it’s unfilled. If life isn’t filled right now what do you think will do it? Name something, go get it and in a short time the need to fill the empty space will return. Just remember, there’s no other reason to try and get what you want unless you are unhappy with what you have.

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