Wholesome Consequences

The consequences that arise from living a wholesome life naturally puts one in alignment with the loving vibrations and frequency of the Universe. Apple seeds can only result in growing apples.

Nothing has to be done for one to enjoy wholesome consequences, they arise simply from living in a wholesome manner. The definition of wholesome is: conducive to or suggestive of good health, physical and moral well-being. When this is one's direction, the consequences that naturally arise are love, compassion, kindness, understanding, non judgement, to name a few, you cannot be wholesome and have unwholesome consequences. The unpleasantries of life will still occur, but the way they're dealt with will not allow their suffering to engulf you. There will still be pain, heart ache, and loss of loved ones, but by living in a wholesome way, suffering will be much less than if unwholesome principles were in place. Planting apple seeds can only result in growing apples, but the seeds have to cultivated for this to occur. The seed only has potential, it is not the apple.

Our wholesome qualities will also have to be cultivated if there are to be wholesome consequences in our life. Most people intuitively know what is wholesome and what is not, but if there's difficultly in deciphering this, a great guide is simply, wholesome is of love as unwholesome is of selfishness. The me me me mind doesn't have many wholesome qualities or consequences to it. I always knew the difference between these two, but because of my conditioning being wholesome was beyond my capability. It was only when I began sitting and my mind settled did I develop the awareness to see and act in a wholesome way; this arises naturally as the mind settles. The more the mind settles the more wholesome are one's action and thus the more the consequences of those actions are of a wholesome quality.

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