Settled Mind Creativity

The world's rewards are not true rewards because the world only holds you in captivity to it. Sit often to develop the discipline that allows the mind to settle and watch what happens.

Prior to nine years ago I never wrote anything in my life. Today I'm a writer because that's where my creative energy took me. Regardless of your talent, musician, writer, singer, actor, good at your day to day job, a parent, or whatever, let your creative energy engulf you. It's what I do, it's how I see what I see. Don't fall prey to what the world offers, find what your own heart offers. Become the instrument the Universe plays its beautiful music through, whatever that music manifest as; mine manifest as writings. Understand though you don't need anything to complete you, you are complete as you are. Understanding this will help you to just watch your inner creativity arise. I know this from experience and only the tip of the iceberg has been seen for me. When my mind settled, writing arose. All I did was look inward. It amazes me to this day that not only was I used to write a book, but I'm also used to write a daily article that seems to touch lives.

I'm often asked if there is going to be a second book, I always respond, there's no need the first one says it all. Not needing anything different is where I have found my peace and it's not something that I'm willing to give up. I really enjoy what has happened to me. I've had the honor of connecting with the hearts of many people and it has been my greatest gift; it's only because of the creativity that has arisen from having a settled mind. The world's rewards are not my rewards because the world only holds you in captivity to it. Sit often to develop the discipline that allows the mind to settle and watch what happens. I would have sold myself short if I tried to do what has been done to me and it's just not something I'm willing to now try and take control of. I prefer to remain the instrument and it's because the Universe is doing a far better job than I ever did with my life. My part is to be willing to basically stay out of the way and watch the settled mind creativity arise.

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