Watch how all things arise and fall away. Seeing this is very valuable in the letting go process. What is held onto becomes one’s bondage, but it can simply be let go of, that is if it’s seen it is being held on to. Each moment arises and as it does it seems as if it’s there, but where is it truly. A vacation, a job promotion, birth, death, sickness, health, marriage, divorce, golfing, having a cigar, each day, going to work, going home from work, and on an on, all things arise and fall away, only attachment to them gives them the power to control. Nothing in an of itself has any power to control, it has to be given power. Before anything is attached to (society calls it addiction) it’s just there latent, lying in wait. Nothing has power until it is given it. The drug dealers can make all the heroin they want, but if no one needed to alter the way that they felt, it wouldn’t have the draw (power) it currently has. This is the reason so much money is spent on advertising, the advertisers know just what to use to entice people into unconsciously reaching for things .
Everyone gets caught by something, it’s just that some things have the power to totally devastate life and some are very subtle, but the common factor of everything is nothing has inherent power to control. Everything would arise and fall away if it wasn’t attached to and this is because nothing can control a person without the person allowing it; the given control can only come from the person. The more control is given away the less one truly lives. You may be alive, but until it’s seen that everything falls away you will remain in bondage to whatever you alone give power to.

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