There’s a very practical reason why we as a society are in the dire straights. It stems from the lack of understanding of the exact nature of our humanness. To much of what the world offers is held onto and glorified as an end to a means. Everything that has been put in place by man is geared towards keeping one in ignorance to the lack of understanding of our humanness and in the process what nothingness truly means. If you don’t think this is true take a look at what is taken with you when you pass away. You leave this world with what you have entered it with. This is nothingness in its truest form.
One of keys to understanding nothingness is to allow the mind to get quiet enough to see this. It will not happen by reading a book or doing crossword puzzles. It will not happen sitting outside on a star filled night smoking a cigar admiring all the stars. It will not happen even if you meditate, but are staying in your head. It will not happen regardless of what you do because to do is noise, the exact opposite of nothingness. Any doing is the noise that’s created which blocks nothingness from being understood. So do nothing and be the nothingness of who you are underneath all the noise so when it is time to pass on you will understand all you will take with you is what you started out with.

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