When you’re aware that all opinions are a made up story, love takes their place. This love is a ray of light and is always there, but it’s not experienced because of the conditioned opinions that block it…
Without opinions everyone would view life through the eyes of love which by the way is the ray of light of peace; because of opinions this ray of light isn’t seen. The view of opinions are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life seen through the conditioning of your opinions; through this view what is true is missed. This makes life about nothing real except for the opinions that’s are formed by the Conditioned Mind.
Being unaware of opinions are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of the what controls your life. What’s factually is this, life just happens, it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s simply learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your conditioned opinions; whatever they are. When there’s awareness of this you will truly love. A love that has always been there, but it’s never experienced because of your conditioned opinions not allowing you to see your ray of light…

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