Until it’s understood that it’s the false sense of self that attaches to thoughts, your thoughts will continue their dominance over you because of the false self energy they’re given…
When it comes to being free from your thoughts, very few people truly let go of the thought of self so they remain in captivity to their thoughts. This is the reason why things are the way they are in the world. It has nothing to do with what’s occurring because our thoughts are responsible for what’s occurring. If the thought of hate didn’t exist, the actions that the thought of hate produces wouldn’t exist. What would happen is life would naturally produce actions of kindness, compassion, love, and whatnot because that’s what’s arises when one isn’t constantly controlled by their self dominated thoughts.
I don’t think this to be true, I know this is true from watching my thoughts and observing the nonsense they create. Life has nothing to do with one’s thoughts, but it has everything to do with one’s thoughts because they create one’s reality. The weather, driving in traffic, religion, politics, when someone close to you gets sick or dies, these are but a few of the things dominated by one’s false self thoughts. And although these things exist at the time they’re occurring, the thought about them is what controls how they affect you. Life just happens, but it’s the bondage to one’s thoughts that creates reality and it’s all because of the attachment to a false sense of self. Until this false sense of self is let go of, you won’t be able to watch your thoughts and observe the results the false sense of self produces and so reality will continue to be controlled by whatever your thoughts create…

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