Every label used to describe something limits it to whatever label is being applied. Judgements, concepts and beliefs, are labeled and limit the awe inspiring love the Universe has to offer…
The Universe needs no permission to do what it does. It only responds to things out of necessity, but it does so unconditionally, without labeling. It doesn’t label or form concepts, it’s existence as it is with nothing added because it needs nothing; it’s self sustaining. It creates, it destroys, it neither loves nor hates in the sense of emotions, but its beauty is awe inspiring and arises from a love that can’t be described. It’s pure energy and it’s from this energy that everything is created. This energy is existence in its purest state. The moment this is labeled it loses it sense of purity.
Humans apply all kinds of labels to life, but life needs no labels. The place of no labels, concepts, beliefs, and non emotional attachment is the only true place of existence; it’s in this place in the midst of the Universe that our true essence is. It’s a place that is here, there, and everywhere, but not labeled as such. Stillness exist as life and if a label is needed apply it, just understand every label has a limit. Once something is labeled it creates resistance. So be in the unlimited space of what is and be with all the Universe has to offer. All the beauty of the Universe is within each and every person. It’s where everyone arise from, but only the label applied limits the awareness of the Universe’s magnificence…

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