Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself with a foundation that allows the maturity of not needing to reach for comfort in whatever form it takes on…
Seeking self satisfaction is a sign of immaturity. It’s the I want, what I want, when I want it syndrome. Self seeking is directly linked to your level of maturity. If you don’t think this is so, see how there’s no difference in what you use now to provide comfort as opposed to what was used as an infant. Only the object has changed, the same reaching is in effect. Stop and see the baby in place who doesn’t like what’s being written here. So your feelings may be hurt, who cares if this article allows you to see the truth needed to act in a mature manner. And how you will know immaturity is in place is by how you have to reach for things. This reaching takes on many many forms. Unless the mind is very settled, immaturity and reaching which go hand and hand will remain.
Being mature will only occur when seeking self satisfying comfort ceases. Judging is immature, jealousy also is. Greed, hate, and wanting life different (delusion) is immature. Relying on a program is immature, it’s all reaching for something to provide comfort. Anything that’s reached for is a sign of immaturity because it all falls under the guise to provide comfort. One is mature when nothing in life needs to be different or reached for. Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself and humanity with the stability and maturity of not needing to reach for comfort in whatever form it takes on…

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