If you think it so it will be. This is because the thought arises from the same energy that the action will be and this energy if based in unconsciousness makes the thought and action one in the same…
There’s a saying that goes like this “If you think it so it is” This isn’t an issue when the first thought comes in because there’s not much you can do about that, but it does become an issue when the thought is given energy for it to come alive; this is even if the thought is never acted on. This occurs because of unconsciousness and why it’s an issue is because it blocks you from your own innate love. Here’s an example: It’s not wrong for a married man to look at a woman or to find her attractive. Same with a married woman, it’s not wrong to see of a man as handsome, but if a married man or woman goes farther and starts fantasizing about kissing or having sex with someone other than his or her spouse, he or she has taken the thought to a level where it now becomes bondage and blocks out the love from your own heart; this is when issues arise.
This issue doesn’t occur when the thought, emotion, or feeling arises, but if those thoughts aren’t resisted issues occur because we give in to the emotion, thought, or feeling by dwelling on it; this is only a thought, not an action. If the action of the thought is acted on, the bondage goes to an entirely different level with much more dire consequences. It all starts with a single thought, but if the thought isn’t given energy, an action cannot occur. This is true with any thought, whether it’s anger, lust, greed, and so on, if there isn’t bondage to the unconsciousness, there wouldn’t be further attachment to the incoming thought and if you don’t think it, it cannot be so…

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