There are many false idols out there that are used as a God which keeps you in bondage, and although it may appear that the false idol creates the bondage, the bondage is to “I” that attaches to the idol…
There are many traps that create bondage in the world, to me the description of false idols (there’s no difference if it’s an idol or simply attaching to a self) is right on. Here’s where this gets tricky because anything that is made into a story and is attached to is a false idol because it becomes a prison to the one who is attached to the story. God is made into an idol by most people and becomes a prison although most don’t see this. Just look at the different religions and how all the followers of a particular one think their idol or God is the right one. Many of these religions have beautiful teachings, but in the way they’re attached to actually takes away from them. This isn’t to say there isn’t value in them, but there’s never value in attaching to something because it enforces an I am right and you are wrong idol.
I found this false idol attachment happening to me yesterday, someone didn’t agree with my article (idol) so right away I felt I had to defend it. I always have to look at myself so I can identify what form my false idol is taking on. I’m not saying there is or isn’t a God, this is just to show how attachment to anything becomes bondage and blocks the heart from remaining open to allow everything its freedom. False idols take over when they get control of “I” as “I” becomes your idol. I am right is an idol, as is anything that’s reached for. The world presents many false idols disguised as attachment, until this is identified, the idol of “I” will remain and so will your suffering…

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