Your life is shaped by the resulting karma of your actions. Everyone is their own judge and jury and for the most part your verdicts are determined by the actions that are done when no one is looking…
I remember cartoons from years ago when a Devil and Angel would pop up on the characters shoulders. This happened when a decision was needed. The figures that popped up were always the image of the individual, it was because that’s who the real struggle and conflict is with. Nothing outside of you can do you harm as your own unguarded thoughts can, and this mostly occurs when things aren’t lining up with the story of the way you think things should be. Karma is something that’s real, I can make it like I’m this spiritual guru and behind closed doors be selfish and unloving, but I’m not fooling anyone because wherever I go there I am. Each of us gets back the resulting karma of our actions. We are our own judge and jury and our verdicts are determined by the actions we exhibit; its never about what is shown, but what is done when no one is looking. What is done behind closed doors shapes your life.
I can preach love and recite all the nonsense that fits nicely into a so called spiritual box, but if I’m not showing loving kindness, it’s all being done to for one reason and that’s to satisfy the Devil cartoon character (ego) on my shoulder. So many conditioned stories are made up about life and this keeps one in their own prison. You can get in touch with this simply by seeing how much love you show to others. Lip service means little here because it’s not only the world that gets hurt, it’s also yourself. So much arises throughout life as the Devil and Angel characters pop up, just make sure the one selected allows for the resulting karma of loving kindness…

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