Having a mind that’s consistently settled allows for a steadiness so when it comes time to respond to circumstances the responses are derived from a place that’s beneficial to all involved…
Consistency in cultivating a settled mind is very important so the unconscious self serving mind ever so slowly loses its grip. Unless your transformation is sudden, steady will be the course for most people. Rome wasn’t built in a day fits here because it’ll take much time to undo the conditioning that took years to develop. For me although there has been much different responses to life circumstances than before, it has been the consistency of a settled mind that has made the difference in my life.
Where the consistency has really showed up is in how the base of most of my responses are now beneficial. I’m far from perfect in the respect that at times my responses are still derived from the self serving mind, but they accepted as perfect in the respect that life is the provider of change so anything that changes is not a doing. The responses usually last a few seconds, but depending on the awareness of them their energy patterns can make them last longer, sometimes a lot longer. So it’s important to be aware of the settled mind which is in place a lot more for me today than the mind that’s noisy; this allows for the sledge hammer that I used on myself to be left in the tool box.
At one time a noisy mind was normal for me, but this was only because of ignorance. There’s less ignorance today at least when it comes to understanding where the noise is derived from so fortunately the limits the noise. It matters little what the responses to circumstance are because they will be what is within an individual, they have to be. A person can’t be different than what they are, but awareness and consistency can be developed to allow the mind to settle so when its time to respond, the response will be beneficial to all beings. Or not and the conditioning will remain the constant that circumstances are responded with. Either way the responses are from what’s there, but a settled mind makes the responses to circumstances much more beneficial…

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