For many lies have been in place for years. You should never take the word of another without investigating it yourself, but many remain stuck in their own lies because of not investigating their conditioning…
All kinds of stories are used to justify the conditioned lies; this is done because of being stuck in your conditioning. Think about this, if you had a cure for some devastating illness, if the so called experts didn’t discover the cure themselves it’s very unlikely they will listen to you; but you would have to say something about it regardless. There’s no way you would be able to contain this with knowing the suffering that’s being caused. This is how I look at what has been revealed to me about the Conditioned Mind, although many of the so called experts don’t agree with what I write, it still needs to be said. It’s written that upon his enlightenment the Buddha asked himself who’s going to believe this; it doesn’t matter who believes it, what matters is that it’s passed on. Thousands of years later the Buddha’s message is still being taught, I’m sure there were many doubters back then and there still are, but it’s only because of their own lies.
Those who have a message outside of society’s conditioned box are frowned upon and this is done without any investigation; this is the format in which lies excel. It’s much easier to look at another than to look at yourself. This is why saying yes to what is has so much value, because it frees you from getting caught up in someone else’s conditioned lies. I’m not saying don’t study and learn from others, but if it’s taken as truth because a person wrote a book or ten books all you’re doing is mimicking what’s in that book.
Sitting allows you to go inward so your lies are revealed. This requires nothing, no reading or writing, reciting prayers, attending meetings, helping others or anything else for that matter, it allows for the mud in the lake (the mind) to settle. The mud will never settle and the water will remain cloudy until there’s stillness that allows the water to stop moving. This is where most lies arise from; thinking the mud will settle although the lake is constantly being stirred up. The Conditioned Mind creates lies and these lies create suffering which blocks truth from being seen and keeps you on the merry-go-round of the Conditioned Mind. Until this is seen the mud in the lake will never settle and you will never be able to get off the merry-go-round as you remain a slave to the conditioning and lies. But take heed because if it’s learned to say yes to what is, the chains that hold you captive to your own lies will be broken…

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