IIf you’re to ever get to the heart of who you truly are, it’s going to take some studying of the Conditioned Mind along with the willingness to sit so the process of peeling away your conditioning begins…
Nothing will ever change as long as people continue to blame others and look outside themselves for their answers. If you can’t get beyond all the conditioning that’s in place, getting to the heart of existence which requires nothing but being in its space will be just about impossible; this is only because the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow it. Using the well known onion analogy: every onion has a center, but unless the onion is peeled it’s center will never be exposed. It will always be there as it’s a natural part of every onion, but without actually peeling the onion the center will remain hidden. The natural process of an onion is to cover its center, this is also the way human nature has evolved and because of this very few people ever get to their heart.
Underneath all the conditioning is the heart of existence, there’s no blame and there’s no looking for answers but within the heart of existence. When the conditioning is peeled away one layer at a time, the heart gets more exposed and your true nature takes hold. If there isn’t awareness of this, nothing will ever change because it can’t. It’s like a force field is around the heart and without awareness it seems as though it’s impenetrable. Take heed though because it’s not impenetrable, it’s just going to take some studying of the Conditioned Mind and the willingness to begin the process of peeling away the so called onion so you can get to the heart of who you truly are…

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