Past and future distractions are fairly easy to understand, but what about present moment distractions. The Conditioned Mind is diabolical in it’s relentless quest to remain in control. Present moment distractions are basically anything that’s reached for to quiet a mind agitation that arises from a self created delusional lack. There are the glaring reached for distractions, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, and what not, but how about the subtle ones. They occur when, we talk behind people’s back, dieting, excessively working out, letting outside circumstances and other people dictate how you feel. There are angry phone calls with customer service reps when you’re not getting your way, when we’re not getting our way in general, thinking life has to be a certain way, no one is driving to our liking, or how about when we make a vow or pledge to try and change some behavior that we feel isn’t right. The problem with the vow or pledge is, although they are probably made in sincerity, it’s very hard to follow through with them because of the unawareness of the way the mind uses them as a distraction. This list goes on and on, and as always your own investigation will reveal what your present moment distractions are.
Just watch how the mind makes mountains out of molehills. It can only wreck havoc even if you’re in the present moment. Being present and not creating a story about what arises in the present will probably be the most difficult thing you will ever do. The incessant mind chatter is the norm for most, only because there’s no awareness that it’s even happening. Nothing that’s done is done outside the present moment so the thing to become aware of is if what you’re doing right now is beneficial to you or not. This awareness is crucial if there is to be any awakening whatsoever. You were born in the present moment and you will die in the present moment and all the distractions in between occur in the present moment. The key is to understand the present moment is always what’s here it just doesn’t have to be a detraction.

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