The difference between sleep walking in the unconscious world (outer view) or being awake (inner view) is the outer view creates delusional stories that keep you trapped in the stories. The inner view provides a slight opening that keeps on expanding and is freeing because there’s no need for a story. For 49 years everything to me was seen from the outer view and it made up every problem I ever had; this is because the nature of the outer view is to make up problems. It wasn’t until 11 years ago when I began looking inward that I saw there was never a real problem regardless of what was happening; there were just made up stories.
Because of the way we are conditioned most people remain stuck in an outer view which doesn’t allow you to see that nothing outside of you can truly cause you a problem because everything arises from within you. The way I write causes people problems, Donald Trump causes people problems, weather, different races, the boss, the job the spouse, family, causes people problems, this list is endless for those conditioned with an outer view, but none of these are truly a problem. Your story about anything is just that your story and it only has significance to you because of your conditioning. Others may latch onto it, but that’s only because of their own outer view conditioning. If you are fortunate enough to have this truth revealed to you, you’ll be in select company. This doesn’t make you special, but what it does do is it allows you to not get caught up in the nonsense of the outer view (yours and someone else’s). And in the process you will simply remain at peace because that’s what the inner view provides…

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