A benefit of the mind settling through self investigation, discipline, and concentration is you will understand the conditioning of others and have a deep compassion for them because you will understand the suffering your own Conditioned Mind caused. Understanding this is at the core of our very existence; it’s the benefit of non judgement. It’s the base of an existence that has to be if there is to truly be a peace with ourselves and with the entire human family. When this is understood you cannot honestly judge someone because you know they are just as you before there was awareness of your conditioning.
Everyone is an imperfect being simply doing what they have been conditioned to do. We all do the best we can with the conditioning that has been bestowed upon us. Not too many asked to be the way that they are; it’s just the way the mind is developed. Some conditioning is down right evil, but it’s still conditioning just the same. Whether a person is conditioned to be a drug addict, a murderer, a CEO of a company or whatever, everyone is just doing what they’ve been conditioned to do. There is no one who hasn’t done something they knew wasn’t morally right, but it was done anyway, that’s all just part of the Conditioned Mind.
When you understand your own conditioning, you’ll be able to separate people from their conditioning and love them because you know it’s the conditioning and not the person that does what they do. Our evil if there is one, is the Conditioned Mind, our goodness comes from the non judgement of this. When you can do this, you’ll be well on your way to a deeper understanding of life and you’ll understand how not to judge and when you’re without judgement, you’re free to love unconditionally. It is then that you will understand the Conditioned Mind and only see the log in your eye…

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