The selfish and destructive conditioned mind behavior that was in control for most of my life seems to be in a place of neutrality. I would never say the conditioning is gone for good because just by labeling it so would give it the needed energy to return. It’s very important to see what’s in place as being the point where we connect with the world, but not making it into a story. We live in a world torn between wanting to listen to the wind and wanting to attach to the surface sounds of the world, but sometimes just by being sensitive enough to the first part, we acquire the energy necessary to prevent the second. In stillness all truth arises.
Here’s a story: There once was a king who went for long walks, he would walk the same route everyday for miles. One day he stepped on a nail and his foot become infected. When the infection cleared up, he ordered his servants to carpet the route he walked with leather. Overwhelmed with this order, one of the servants suggested he wrap his feet in leather instead of the entire route; hence shoes were invented. The point of this is to show how one only needs to focus on being mindful of themselves, not focusing on saving or trying to change the world, the more mindful one is of their own behaviors and actions, the more things around them will change.
One will never prevent the sounds of the world or have the entire world carpeted in love, but you can listen to your own heart and not be a part of the surface noise by keeping your own house in order instead of being overwhelmed trying to change everything else. When we are mindful of our own conditioning and we take care of the place where we connect with the world, we offer the world our true self, not by trying to change it or by ignoring the surface sounds, but by simply listening to the wind.

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