Because the unfolding of life is so different for everyone, it makes it very difficult for there to be agreement on what provides the most benefits. Having the experience of living strictly from the mind and now simply not doing so has made all the difference for me as far as seeing what’s beneficial and what isn’t. This difference most people don’t understand and the Conditioned Mind remains in control of their life and blocks the unfolding of truly enjoying a beneficial view of life. I find it much more beneficial to simply not associate with people who strictly live from their Conditioned Mind. I was the king of unloving conditioning (non beneficial) for far too many years and I won’t go there anymore.
You will never experience truth from studying someone else’s experience unless it resonates with you, the problem with this is what’s studied mostly stays stuck in your head. Many just throw stuff out there as beliefs and what not which may provide some benefit, but what I point to (for free) is the next step in the evolution process that is truly beneficial because it comes from within yourself. If you are using anything to awaken that doesn’t point inward the benefits will be very limited.
No method or way has been revealed to me, simply sitting to develop discipline so the Conditioned Mind settles is all I know. Without this conditioning in place awareness aware of awareness is allowed so you can see just how non beneficial your conditioning is. This doesn’t mean you transcend your humanness, what happened to me is a peace unfolded that allowed me to be more human and in the process live in a way that’s most beneficial to me and anyone who my experience resonates with…

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