This morning I woke up at 4:00am for work and it was like I was on automatic pilot, my mind wanted to make this a problem; the noise started. There wasn’t a known reason for this except that my mind wanted to convince me that either “I” should be sleeping or “I” should be thinking about how I’m going to solve the days problems. At the very least “I” should be thinking about retirement and the day I will no longer need to get up this early. Instead of feeding into this energy I was able to stay in the awareness of what was happening at the moment I was in and not get pulled into the noise.
Being awake regardless of the time of day isn’t a good or bad thing, it’s not even a problem, that is unless there’s a tool in place that makes it so. For me the noise is just what arose at that moment, but it wasn’t attached to. My mind was noisy and was responding to what was there because the tool that was in place for many years created noise. I took a deep breath which established an anchor in the present and awareness arose of simply being awake. It wasn’t a problem because of having developed tools that establish quietness not noise. Being aware of this and having these present moment awareness tools is priceless because even though noise will arise at times, it doesn’t have to be attached to so it will simply subside on its own, that is if you have the tools in place that allow it to…

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