Yesterday someone was questioning my article which I have no problem with, but the whole base of the their questioning was because they were 70 years old they thought it meant how they see things is the way that it is. You can be 100 years old and not have the correct view of life; by correct I mean a view that provides the most benefits. Longevity doesn’t equate to what you see as being right and someone else being wrong, all it means is you still have a chance to see things differently. The funny thing is it’s not about being right or wrong, I simply share my experience, but some just don’t see and have to question it; it’s all part of the Conditioned Mind that keeps one entrapped to what is unconsciously familiar and doesn’t allow the openness of letting something new in.
Last year I was attending a seminar for work and someone said they had been performing a task a certain way for twenty five years. The instructor said well you have been doing it wrong for twenty five years. I never state that my view is right or the only way, but I do share my experience which makes what I share factual. Few back up their disagreements with me with facts, mostly it’s just Conditioned Mind nonsense. I am open and will listen to anyone who shares their experience, but few do, most want to just tell me what I’ve written is wrong. Understand this; I’m your story of me…not my story of me…without you there wouldn’t be anyone creating your story, so what I write only means something to you, and if you think because you have a certain view that’s been in place for a longtime and that makes it the correct one, I challenge you to look within and see the justified lies your own mind creates; lies that have been in place for a very long time…

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