There are many different ways that people handle what arises in life, the key to not being controlled by what arises is to understand life isn’t personal and it doesn’t do anything to you…
As life happens, the way it’s handled depends on how one relates themselves to it. One way and the most common is to make what happens so personal that it’s attached to as if life does it to you. This is very limiting and it creates much suffering because it’s made as if there’s some master plan as to why things happen; this is when the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve mind takes over. That there’s a you who thinks things happen to is at the core of the conditioned way of thinking, but nothing truly happens to you, things do happen, but nothing directly happens to you unless it’s taken personal. I’m not saying ignore what happens, but without making what happens personal, things that happen are allowed to be as they are without creating suffering. This is not the way most people handle life. The conditioned thought is there has to be an emotional tie to what happens, but what’s not understood is this tie causes suffering. This isn’t seen because of making life personal which only exist in the mind.
No one has to suffer through life, but if the herd mentality is blindly followed, there will be suffering. The last few weeks have allowed me to go deeper within to see how my own suffering is created by holding onto a self that’s been programmed to take life personal. If you don’t think this is true, pin point where this self is that is so adamant about taking what happens personal. I will just say this, because of the attachment to self, although what happens happens, it will always seem as it happens to you, but nothing is ever truly personal, not because it’s being ignore, but because there’s no attachment to a self to take it personal.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 05/01/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am letting the flow of goodness stream from me into my interests and allowing my joy at the moment bring out my best! I am allowing my joy to encourage my ideas of amusement and satisfaction within my mind to continue! I am letting my thoughts on ideas and solutions flow from me through my support, assistance, and sharing! I am supporting my flow of brilliance and encouraging my genius..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/30/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I know acceptance is vitally key to awesome moments to benefit my days! I know positivity is immensely important to awesome thoughts to benefit my days! I am accepting positivity..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Creating a Tainted Reality
Truth always arises before a label is applied, but once a label is applied it becomes an interpretation, and because truth can’t be labeled as anything other than truth, it becomes tainted.
Life is always as it is regardless of the story that’s made up, but this story is what creates your reality. This reality is not about what happens in the present moment because that will always be as it is, it’s about how what happens in the present is interpreted and thus becomes tainted; this is the reality that’s created. There’s a lot of chaos in our world because of the tainted reality people create. This has nothing to do with what actually arises, it’s because of the evolution of the human mind; this is what causes all the chaos. It all comes down to the stories that are made up. Life will always be as it is, it’s impossible to be any other way, but because everyone sees things as their conditioning dictates, the arisen moment takes on many different interpretations. These interpretations are what creates a person’s reality, and because most people are closed minded, what is seen is perceived as truth.
Truth always arises before a label is applied, but once a label is applied it becomes an interpretation and the truth of the arisen moment becomes tainted. It has to because truth can’t be labeled as anything other than truth, so the moment it’s labeled as this or that “Bam” it’s tainted. Because of the way the human mind has evolved and has the need to be right, it makes it very difficult to see what’s really going on in life; this is why reality has to be created. Our evolved minds make it difficult to see that someone else may have more of an understanding of something than we have, so we unconsciously remain in the bondage to our tainted reality. Until one can stop applying a label to what arises in the moment, creating a reality will have to be done, and this will occur regardless of how tainted that reality may be.
Life is always as it is regardless of the story that’s made up, but this story is what creates your reality. This reality is not about what happens in the present moment because that will always be as it is, it’s about how what happens in the present is interpreted and thus becomes tainted; this is the reality that’s created. There’s a lot of chaos in our world because of the tainted reality people create. This has nothing to do with what actually arises, it’s because of the evolution of the human mind; this is what causes all the chaos. It all comes down to the stories that are made up. Life will always be as it is, it’s impossible to be any other way, but because everyone sees things as their conditioning dictates, the arisen moment takes on many different interpretations. These interpretations are what creates a person’s reality, and because most people are closed minded, what is seen is perceived as truth.
Truth always arises before a label is applied, but once a label is applied it becomes an interpretation and the truth of the arisen moment becomes tainted. It has to because truth can’t be labeled as anything other than truth, so the moment it’s labeled as this or that “Bam” it’s tainted. Because of the way the human mind has evolved and has the need to be right, it makes it very difficult to see what’s really going on in life; this is why reality has to be created. Our evolved minds make it difficult to see that someone else may have more of an understanding of something than we have, so we unconsciously remain in the bondage to our tainted reality. Until one can stop applying a label to what arises in the moment, creating a reality will have to be done, and this will occur regardless of how tainted that reality may be.
The following is an excerpt from the book “A Journey Toward
Perfection: Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me.”
At the core of
humanity’s rejection of God is pride, the antithesis of humility. Man’s pride
or ego is a self-centeredness, which causes us to place our desires above the
desires of others, even above God’s will. As humans, we wish to live our own
lives according to our desires. When someone else’s desire conflicts with our
own, we experience great discomfort and distress, and sometimes, even anger.
When God’s laws conflict with our desires, we are placed in a position to defy
God or to love God, to seek our own self-interests or to act out in love. For
those who do not wish to acknowledge this conflict between good and evil within
us, it is much easier to deny the existence of God. In this way, we do not have
to follow any rules except those rules that we make for ourselves. As
Christians, we recognize this conflict and realize that on a daily basis we
make decisions between good and evil. However, we do not always recognize each
decision for what it is, a choice in humility or pride. For example, if someone
says something that offends us unjustly or is unkind, our emotions flare up. We
may wish to defend ourselves or to retaliate. This is our pride that has been
injured. Humility does not require us to defend ourselves or to retaliate.
Pride causes us to
use our free will to act on our own self-centered desires often at the expense
of God’s will and at the expense of serving others. Our society has developed
an understanding of pride, which has both positive and negative connotations. Man’s
understanding of pride has been equated to self-confidence, a feeling of being
content with one’s self. Today, it is even acceptable to display a sense of
pride in sinful lifestyles. Gay pride is only one example. Others feel a sense
of pride over “how they told so-and-so off.” Still others feel a sense of pride
when they get away with something even though they knew it was wrong. Time and time again, scandals unfold of those
who built financial empires through dishonesty. Many feel a sense of pride for their
accomplishments. Yet, even our society today does not value those who are
excessively prideful. As a society, we recognize that pride and the
disproportionate love of one’s self is a disagreeable trait because it causes
one to consider themselves better or more important than others. Even while in
our own pride, we do not like others to consider themselves better than us.
How can we, as
humans, be proud while we are in our sinful condition, our evil nature, in our
corruptible flesh? If we compare ourselves with Christ, we would always remain
humble. Can we love perfectly? Can we truly be selfless? What can we do that
hasn't been given to us by God? Whatever talents we possess have been given to
us as gifts when God created us. Even giving us the gift of free will was an
act of His humility. God did not want to force us to love Him. He wanted us to
be able to choose of our own free will. He will never force us to bow down to
Him, even though He is our king and our creator, even though He deserves our
worship, even though He is the almighty God.
According to
Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goeth before
destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Pride is the greatest sin of all because it is the greatest
deception. After all, Satan was cast out of heaven because of his pride. He
wanted to be like God. This is the same deception Satan used with Adam and Eve
in Genesis 2:5, "For God doth know that
in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as
gods, knowing good and evil." The sin
of pride is very alluring. We want to be masters of our own lives and destinies,
masters of our own circumstances. Pride causes us to use our free will to serve
ourselves instead of serving God or serving others. Pride deceives us into
believing we do not need God. Instead we believe that we know what is best for
us. It causes us to compare ourselves with others in order to see ourselves as more
important or better than someone else in some way. Pride also causes us to be
boastful. We want to take pride and be acknowledged for our talents and
accomplishments. We want to believe that we are better than others. It makes us
feel good about ourselves. This is why it is so tempting. We can easily fall
into the sin of pride without even realizing it. Rather than taking pride in
ourselves, we are to be thankful to God who has blessed us in so many ways. In Luke 18:14, Christ reiterates a common theme throughout
the New Testament, "every one that
exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
When the Pharisees
rebuked Christ for visiting the homes of tax collectors and sinners, Jesus
answered them saying, “They that are whole need not a physician; but
they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). What did Christ mean by the
“righteous?” No man has ever been righteous in the eyes of God. No man has ever
been sinless. Christ was referring to those who were “righteous” in their own
eyes, such as the Pharisees. They were hypocrites because they believed that
they were already upright men of God and did not need salvation. In their
pride, they were deceived into believing they were “good”. Their pride blinded
them to their own sinful natures, and therefore, they could not accept Christ
as the Son of God. They could not humble themselves to Jesus, who in their
minds was just a man like themselves. The more we are able to recognize
ourselves as sinners, the easier it is for us to receive God’s love. The more
aware we are of our sinful nature, the easier it is for us to humble ourselves
to God. The easier it is for us to seek God to help us, change us, and free us
from evil. Humility is necessary before we can even approach God.
The conflict
between pride and humility is actually the conflict between our own will and
God’s will. It is the conflict within ourselves, which manifests as a longing
to satisfy our own self-centered desires, instead of becoming selfless, instead
of acting in love. This is why Christ said that loving God and loving our
neighbors is all we must do to live up to God’s commandments. Love requires
that we deny our self-centeredness. Pride is actually an obstacle in our
ability to love unconditionally. By serving our own sinful passions and
desires, we are serving ourselves instead of serving God. In essence, by
serving ourselves, we love ourselves. Our “self” becomes our priority, and
therefore becomes our “god.” In that sense, we worship ourselves. The conflict
between good and evil is actually the conflict between who will receive our
love. Who will be the object of our love, God or ourselves? Who will be the priority
of our lives, God or ourselves? If we are to participate in a relationship with
God, we must learn how to avoid pride, and instead, become humble.
2018 Helen Kamenos All rights reserved
Ending the Inner War
It’s the thinking mind that makes one’s own mind a battlefield. It’s the heart that throws out the white flag to surrender, but not to be defeated, it’s done to end the war so the suffering stops.
Make no mistake, there’s a war being fought within humanity, but understand it’s not a war against each other, or good and evil, and it has nothing to do with demonic forces versus godly forces, it’s a war between love and selfishness and the battlefield is between one’s own ears. It’s the battlefield of your own mind and until this is seen at the deepest level of the heart, the war will continue and the battlefield of where it’s being fought, one’s own mind will remain. Most everyone thinks there’s a war going on with something from the outside, such as a war on drugs, or politics, religions, race, or whatever else is used to disguise where the battlefield is, but make no mistake, it’s always in the same place; your own mind.
The weapons of this war are plentiful, but their root is all the same and it’s based in selfishness. Only when this is understood will the battlefield be identified along with the possibility of the war ending. This war is between love and selfishness and it has been going on since humans evolved to the point of being able to think. It’s the thinking mind that makes one’s own mind a battlefield. It’s the heart that throws out the white flag to surrender, but not to be defeated, it’s done to end the war so the suffering stops. Until this is realized, the war between love and selfishness will continue because one will remain in bondage to the battlefield of their own mind…
Make no mistake, there’s a war being fought within humanity, but understand it’s not a war against each other, or good and evil, and it has nothing to do with demonic forces versus godly forces, it’s a war between love and selfishness and the battlefield is between one’s own ears. It’s the battlefield of your own mind and until this is seen at the deepest level of the heart, the war will continue and the battlefield of where it’s being fought, one’s own mind will remain. Most everyone thinks there’s a war going on with something from the outside, such as a war on drugs, or politics, religions, race, or whatever else is used to disguise where the battlefield is, but make no mistake, it’s always in the same place; your own mind.
The weapons of this war are plentiful, but their root is all the same and it’s based in selfishness. Only when this is understood will the battlefield be identified along with the possibility of the war ending. This war is between love and selfishness and it has been going on since humans evolved to the point of being able to think. It’s the thinking mind that makes one’s own mind a battlefield. It’s the heart that throws out the white flag to surrender, but not to be defeated, it’s done to end the war so the suffering stops. Until this is realized, the war between love and selfishness will continue because one will remain in bondage to the battlefield of their own mind…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/29/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am determined to engage others in a better mood by being a better version of myself with an absolute focus on the positive benefits! I am determined to live a much happier lifestyle by doing what's best for me mentally and physically! I deserve to enjoy a greater day of greater thoughts..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Acquiring the Holy Spirit
This month we celebrate the Ascension of
our Lord Jesus Christ on May 17. After Christ rose from the dead, He revealed Himself
and spent time with those He loved, such as His mother Mary, His disciples, Paul,
James, and was seen by “more than 500
brothers and sisters at one time” (1 Corinthians 15:6). Forty days after
Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples watched as Christ “was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of
their sight” (Acts 1:9).
Before Jesus ascended to heaven,
He instructed the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come
upon you” (Acts 1:8). Fifty days after Christ rose from the dead,
the disciples gathered together and “suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent
wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided
tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All
of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages,
as the Spirit gave them ability” (Acts 2:2-4). The crowd that gathered were
astonished and asked one another, “how is it that we hear, each of us, in our
own native language?” (Acts 2:8). After the disciples spoke, the
crowd was so moved that those present were “cut
to the heart” and 3,000 of them were baptized.
The day of Pentecost, to be celebrated
this year on May 27, was the birth of Christ’s church, and even to this day,
the followers of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit within them to guide them,
comfort them and be with them always. However, Christians do not always
appreciate or understand who lives within them. The Holy Spirit is God, one
part of the Trinity. It is the Holy Spirit that speaks to us and allows us to
know God. It is the Holy Spirit that operates within us to guard us from evil
and protect us. It is the Holy Spirit, who slowly removes the veil of ignorance
from our minds and hearts. God’s love for us is revealed by Him and works
through us. The Holy Spirit within us makes God real to us, increases our faith
and strengthens us.
According to St. Seraphim of
Sarov (2018), “the true aim of the Christian life consists of the acquisition
of the Holy Spirit of God…only good deeds done for Christ’s sake brings us the fruits
of the Holy Spirit.” St. Seraphim rightly places the focus of good works on our
motivation because good works done for self-interest’s sake are not worthy of a
true Christian, nor do they benefit us in what he calls “the work of our
salvation.” The virtuous deeds for Christ’s sake require sacrifice. It is when
it is difficult to act in love that our works bear the fruits of the Spirit, acting
in genuine humility, setting aside our pride and doing what we would rather not
do. As Christ taught in Matthew 5:38-43, it is when one strikes you on the cheek
and you turn to him your other cheek. It is when someone sues you for your
shirt and you give him your coat, as well. It is when someone forces you to
walk with him one mile and you choose to walk with him a second mile. When your
enemies hate you, you show them love. These are examples of what it means to “deny yourself, take up your cross and follow
me” (Matthew 16:24). Denying yourself requires a sacrifice for Christ’s sake,
which may cause suffering or may challenge our weaknesses.
What are the rewards of
acquiring the Holy Spirit? Firstly, Christ will not say to us “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who
practice lawlessness!” (Matthew 7:23). It is easy to deceive ourselves that
we are worthy when we compare ourselves to one another, rather than comparing
ourselves to Christ. The greatest quality we can strive toward is genuine humility.
When we perform good works in humility for Christ’s sake, we will experience
the fruits of the Holy Spirit, “love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). These are the fruits that
transform us, that create in us the attributes of Christ. As we acquire the
Holy Spirit, we become more Christ-like.
In this life, God has placed a
veil over our hearts and minds to conceal the spiritual reality of God’s dimension
of existence. God’s truth is veiled from our understanding, unless we are baptized
in the Holy Spirit and become faithful followers of Christ. As we mature in our
Christian faith, that veil is removed. “Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now
the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as
in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image
from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:16-18). In other words, the veil is removed as we
are transformed by the Holy Spirit into the image or likeness of Christ, little
by little or from “glory to glory.” This
is what St. Seraphim meant by acquiring the Holy Spirit, who is the grace of
Seraphim compared the acquisition of the Holy Spirit to obtaining money. As we
obtain money by trading for goods and services, so we can obtain the Holy
Spirit by trading our good works done for Christ’s sake, such as prayer,
fasting, almsgiving and loving our fellow man. We will know when our good works
are properly motivated by the fruits they produce. This is only possible if we
remain humble, knowing that it is the Holy Spirit who works through us. We must
take great care to avoid taking credit for our good works and thus nullify our
deeds by pride. He also explains that prayer gives us the grace of the Holy
Spirit most of all because it is always readily available. St Seraphim (2018)
describes prayer as a conversation with God, which implies a two-way dialogue. “The
soul speaks and converses during prayer, but at the descent of the Holy Spirit,
we must remain in complete silence, in order to hear clearly and intelligibly
all the words of eternal life which He will then deign to communicate.”
On the
day of Pentecost, we should be reminded that not only are we saved by the death
and resurrection of Christ, but as Christians, we also receive the grace of the
Holy Spirit within us, the Holy presence of the all-powerful God. We are infinitely
grateful and profoundly awed at such a gift, for we cannot fully fathom the spiritual
reality of God living somewhere within our own being. St. Seraphim (2018) questioned,
“What on earth can be higher and what can be more precious than the gifts of
the Holy Spirit?” He laments that we increase in stature, but not in the grace and
knowledge of God. Instead, we gradually become more and more “depraved,” losing
the grace of the Holy Spirit in varying degrees, unless we actively practice
the virtues for Christ’s sake, including faith, hope, love, knowledge of God, wisdom,
honesty, humility, meekness, self-control, courage, obedience to the will of God,
patience, kindness, compassion, and gratitude for every blessing in our lives.
Anesti! Christ is Risen! God bless you!
Seraphim of Sarov. 2018. On Acquisition
of the Holy Spirit. San Bernadino, CA: Sergius Nilus (pgs. 9, 24, 48)
2018 Helen Kamenos All rights reserved
Looking at Yourself
The only obstacle there is to being free is truly looking at yourself and until you do look at you, true freedom is something that will always be out there in the next thing reached for.
Consider life as water and emotions as a flood, if you’re on low ground you will be overcome by the flood waters (emotions), but if you’re on high ground the same flood water will come, but the way it affects you will have a much different outcome. This is what happens when a person looks at themselves, you’re naturally on higher ground which builds up a defense against your emotional flood water. Without looking at yourself there will be no defense against the flood water because you will be stuck on low ground and on low ground when the flood water arises, some form of destruction will be the result and the severity of the flood (emotional attachment) determines the destruction.
The flood water only affects what’s on low ground, and our lower nature manifest as emotional attachments. The destructiveness of this attachment is determined by what is reached for, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, and so on. Although not everything reached for is destructive, some just have much more destructive potential than others. If you don’t look at yourself there won’t be awareness of the nature of what’s reached for. To me, the key is looking at yourself because it puts you on higher ground so when the flood waters come it has less affect on you. This is the value of looking at and understanding yourself, it allows you to not be flooded emotionally by circumstances that occur. Although the flood waters will arise, because you are on higher ground you aren’t affected like the person who’s stuck on lower ground and is reaching for a life preserver, in whatever form that may be.
Consider life as water and emotions as a flood, if you’re on low ground you will be overcome by the flood waters (emotions), but if you’re on high ground the same flood water will come, but the way it affects you will have a much different outcome. This is what happens when a person looks at themselves, you’re naturally on higher ground which builds up a defense against your emotional flood water. Without looking at yourself there will be no defense against the flood water because you will be stuck on low ground and on low ground when the flood water arises, some form of destruction will be the result and the severity of the flood (emotional attachment) determines the destruction.
The flood water only affects what’s on low ground, and our lower nature manifest as emotional attachments. The destructiveness of this attachment is determined by what is reached for, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, and so on. Although not everything reached for is destructive, some just have much more destructive potential than others. If you don’t look at yourself there won’t be awareness of the nature of what’s reached for. To me, the key is looking at yourself because it puts you on higher ground so when the flood waters come it has less affect on you. This is the value of looking at and understanding yourself, it allows you to not be flooded emotionally by circumstances that occur. Although the flood waters will arise, because you are on higher ground you aren’t affected like the person who’s stuck on lower ground and is reaching for a life preserver, in whatever form that may be.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/28/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I rather am doing the good things with my life, sharing, caring, and celebrating with a value and worth I set for myself! I rather go with my flow of good feelings, good thoughts, and good ideas to support my success! I am a good person determined..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Caught in Thought
Peace isn’t something achieved or attained so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Too many people get caught in the thought of trying to find peace when it’s something that’s already within you…
You will never find the peace that you’re seeking if you’re caught in the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way we’re conditioned, we get caught in the thought that peace is something out there. Unfortunately getting caught in this thought makes the very thing you are seeking impossible to grasp. This getting caught in thought is the reason you’re in constant need for something from the outside. Until this is seen, one will remain caught in the though that peace is in the next thing attained. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, and on and on, this needing is proof that you are caught. I can’t stress this enough as going beyond being caught in your thoughts will have to be seen if one is to ever experience true peace.
It’s impossible for the thought of peace to provide peace, but what does have to happen if one is to experience peace is, there has to be an understanding of why there’s a need for peace. Again, that there isn’t peace is only because of being caught in the thought of not being at peace. When the thought of fulfilling a need arises, being caught begins. This is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Peace isn’t something attained so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Too many people get caught in the thought of trying to find peace when it’s something that’s already within you; the thought of finding peace needs to be let go if you are to see this. This is not easy, but it’s why I share. Understand though, I only share to point inward so being caught by your thoughts can be seen for what it is; the only reason why there isn’t peace…
You will never find the peace that you’re seeking if you’re caught in the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way we’re conditioned, we get caught in the thought that peace is something out there. Unfortunately getting caught in this thought makes the very thing you are seeking impossible to grasp. This getting caught in thought is the reason you’re in constant need for something from the outside. Until this is seen, one will remain caught in the though that peace is in the next thing attained. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, and on and on, this needing is proof that you are caught. I can’t stress this enough as going beyond being caught in your thoughts will have to be seen if one is to ever experience true peace.
It’s impossible for the thought of peace to provide peace, but what does have to happen if one is to experience peace is, there has to be an understanding of why there’s a need for peace. Again, that there isn’t peace is only because of being caught in the thought of not being at peace. When the thought of fulfilling a need arises, being caught begins. This is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Peace isn’t something attained so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Too many people get caught in the thought of trying to find peace when it’s something that’s already within you; the thought of finding peace needs to be let go if you are to see this. This is not easy, but it’s why I share. Understand though, I only share to point inward so being caught by your thoughts can be seen for what it is; the only reason why there isn’t peace…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/27/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am loving this life seriously by making the best of it, enjoying it adventurous, and celebrating it greatly! I am blessed with this life for great purpose, value, and worth! I am grateful I can love for the better, share for the bliss, and live for the blessings..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Ego Creates Itself
There's no harmony when the egos energy is running the show and simply put without harmony we have everyone going in different directions trying to attain a certain selfish status...
Nothing really means all that much in the grand scheme of life when it comes to achieving a certain status in our society, not that there's anything wrong with this, but it doesn't equate to anything except to the egos energy. This energy is what actually makes the ego what it is; it creates itself. When ego energy is embraced, it creates an I am special aura or a look at me persona, but the truth of the matter is, when it's time to leave this world, nothing is taken with you. I've learned one very important lesson in my life and that is my life has nothing to do with me, I say this in the sense of what any life is all about. Life itself doesn't really care what occurs, it’s the ego that makes it important by the story it creates of "I". It attaches to “I” and adds all kinds of things that creates a look at me persona. A celebrity status goes to most people's head, but it doesn’t really mean anything. Just loving and keeping things in their proper perspective is what gets it done for me, with the "it" being a level of quietness that doesn't need an ego story to be.
Anything added to life doesn't really enhance it in any way. Being with life as it is and not needing it to be of a certain status is so much more beneficial as an energy than putting out ego energy. So much of the ego energy is reinforced by the things of”I” and it's why the world is the way it is. The ego can't exist without a certain energy that feeds it and without awareness of this, just by the design of idolizing, the egos energy is constantly reinforced. I'm right and you are wrong energy is also the kind of energy that's in place and it makes for many ego charged situations. There's no harmony when the egos energy is running the show and simply put without harmony we have everyone going in different directions trying to attain a certain selfish status...
Nothing really means all that much in the grand scheme of life when it comes to achieving a certain status in our society, not that there's anything wrong with this, but it doesn't equate to anything except to the egos energy. This energy is what actually makes the ego what it is; it creates itself. When ego energy is embraced, it creates an I am special aura or a look at me persona, but the truth of the matter is, when it's time to leave this world, nothing is taken with you. I've learned one very important lesson in my life and that is my life has nothing to do with me, I say this in the sense of what any life is all about. Life itself doesn't really care what occurs, it’s the ego that makes it important by the story it creates of "I". It attaches to “I” and adds all kinds of things that creates a look at me persona. A celebrity status goes to most people's head, but it doesn’t really mean anything. Just loving and keeping things in their proper perspective is what gets it done for me, with the "it" being a level of quietness that doesn't need an ego story to be.
Anything added to life doesn't really enhance it in any way. Being with life as it is and not needing it to be of a certain status is so much more beneficial as an energy than putting out ego energy. So much of the ego energy is reinforced by the things of”I” and it's why the world is the way it is. The ego can't exist without a certain energy that feeds it and without awareness of this, just by the design of idolizing, the egos energy is constantly reinforced. I'm right and you are wrong energy is also the kind of energy that's in place and it makes for many ego charged situations. There's no harmony when the egos energy is running the show and simply put without harmony we have everyone going in different directions trying to attain a certain selfish status...
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/26/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am vowing to associate with those desiring positive change for the better, and willing to share the fun-loving versions of themselves! I am promising myself to be the good, the great, and better I desire to see in the world! I am determined to think better, talk better, behave better, and feel better…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Concept of Me
Nothing is the whole of anything unless it’s labeled as so, and who does this labeling, but the idea of a me which only exist because of forming a delusional concept.
The concept of a me is what keeps one wandering helplessly for possibly countless lifetimes; simply put, the concept of a me does this. The concept of me is not who you are, nor is it the mind, nor I, nor does it truly have anything to do with you, it's just a concept that keeps you in bondage to "there's a me" story. It's always the story itself that keeps you bondage and although it may seem as though what's being used to create the story keeps you in bondage, it’s not. It can't be because there's nothing real to a story and this is because it's of the mind and there's nothing real that comes from the mind; it's only as real as yesterday's dream. If it's about something that happened, that means you are bringing the past into the present and this creates a delusional mindset. If you're bringing the future into the present, again you're creating a delusional mindset by not being with what's actually happening, and it’s always a conceptual me that does this.
This is what happens when the concept of a me is the driving energy behind how one lives. If everything done is derived from a conceptual me than life will be delusional because me is delusional; me is an idea, a concept, it's made up. It's not that there isn't existence, but unless you can truly see where this me is, it will cause problems if it's attached to you. What I mean by this is if you take the concept away of what you think me is, what's left? You have been labeled (named) for identification purposes and all the other labels just fall in line, son, daughter, brother, sister, and so on. Without an applied label where is this me? You have a body, but you are not the body. Nothing is the whole of anything unless it’s labeled as so, and who does this labeling, but the idea of a me that only exist because of a delusional concept.
The concept of a me is what keeps one wandering helplessly for possibly countless lifetimes; simply put, the concept of a me does this. The concept of me is not who you are, nor is it the mind, nor I, nor does it truly have anything to do with you, it's just a concept that keeps you in bondage to "there's a me" story. It's always the story itself that keeps you bondage and although it may seem as though what's being used to create the story keeps you in bondage, it’s not. It can't be because there's nothing real to a story and this is because it's of the mind and there's nothing real that comes from the mind; it's only as real as yesterday's dream. If it's about something that happened, that means you are bringing the past into the present and this creates a delusional mindset. If you're bringing the future into the present, again you're creating a delusional mindset by not being with what's actually happening, and it’s always a conceptual me that does this.
This is what happens when the concept of a me is the driving energy behind how one lives. If everything done is derived from a conceptual me than life will be delusional because me is delusional; me is an idea, a concept, it's made up. It's not that there isn't existence, but unless you can truly see where this me is, it will cause problems if it's attached to you. What I mean by this is if you take the concept away of what you think me is, what's left? You have been labeled (named) for identification purposes and all the other labels just fall in line, son, daughter, brother, sister, and so on. Without an applied label where is this me? You have a body, but you are not the body. Nothing is the whole of anything unless it’s labeled as so, and who does this labeling, but the idea of a me that only exist because of a delusional concept.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/25/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am making the effort to enjoy my journey, love my life, and make the best of my interests count! I am making the effort to enjoy my day, love my relationships, and make the best of my moments' matter! I am making the effort to value my self, value my time, and value my blessings..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Moving to New Address:
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/24/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I know it can be rough and difficult, but I can make it easier by learning and optimistically forging forward! I know I can change my direction with my thoughts, my attitude, my decisions, and my actions! I am making it a greater day with my decisions and thoughts…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Moving to New Address:
Less is More
Regardless if this is agreed with or not, there’s no way around adding to your life as being from selfish energy and until this is seen, the need to add to it will continue even though less is more…
You will either spend your time adding things to your life that you think will enhance your state of well being or you will understand that less is more and adding anything isn’t necessary because it won’t satisfy the craving of adding. The selfishness I wrote about the last two days will not be understood by the need to add mind, it will only be understood when the mind settles. Most people will spending 99.9% of their lives adding to it only to find out at the end that the adding never enhanced it one bit. You see, this is because nothing is missing so no matter what you add it means nothing. When it’s understood less is more therein lies your peace.
Understanding how YOUR mind works, not the mind the experts and all their books talk about, but YOUR mind which probably has never been studied, is a must if the habitual patterns of needing to add are ever going to be broken. I know people don’t like this, but unfortunately at the core of this need to add mind is selfish energy. People want everything that’s written to be nicey nice, but the Conditioned Mind is diabolical and nicey nice won’t allow you to go beyond your conditioning. What I write doesn’t haven’t to be agreed with, but it would behoove you to sit and investigate it before discounting it. I am not a know it all in any sense. What I do know at least somewhat is my own mind, and because I tried adding to my life for forty nine years without ever being satisfied for more than 10 seconds, it has opened a view of less is more that few see. There’s no way around adding to your life as being from selfish energy and until this is seen, the need to add to it will continue even though less is more…
You will either spend your time adding things to your life that you think will enhance your state of well being or you will understand that less is more and adding anything isn’t necessary because it won’t satisfy the craving of adding. The selfishness I wrote about the last two days will not be understood by the need to add mind, it will only be understood when the mind settles. Most people will spending 99.9% of their lives adding to it only to find out at the end that the adding never enhanced it one bit. You see, this is because nothing is missing so no matter what you add it means nothing. When it’s understood less is more therein lies your peace.
Understanding how YOUR mind works, not the mind the experts and all their books talk about, but YOUR mind which probably has never been studied, is a must if the habitual patterns of needing to add are ever going to be broken. I know people don’t like this, but unfortunately at the core of this need to add mind is selfish energy. People want everything that’s written to be nicey nice, but the Conditioned Mind is diabolical and nicey nice won’t allow you to go beyond your conditioning. What I write doesn’t haven’t to be agreed with, but it would behoove you to sit and investigate it before discounting it. I am not a know it all in any sense. What I do know at least somewhat is my own mind, and because I tried adding to my life for forty nine years without ever being satisfied for more than 10 seconds, it has opened a view of less is more that few see. There’s no way around adding to your life as being from selfish energy and until this is seen, the need to add to it will continue even though less is more…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/23/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am accepting my past and concentrating on my ideal future! I am accepting my experiences and the lessons I have learned to attract my ideal situations and circumstances! I am graciously accepting the interactions, events, and resources involved in my bliss…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Moving to New Address:
Get this helpful book~ Repeat With Me: I AM (Inspiring, Aspiring & Motivating) Success Every Moment - In The Spring!
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Selfish Cravings Part 2
Live in alignment with Universal Love because the more this is done, the more you can be an instrument to spread that love; not in a way that you think, but in a way the Universe wants it to be…
If what you do is done just to satisfy you, don’t be surprise if you have inner struggles; this occurs because selfish energy is never satisfied. What happens when the energy one is living by is based in selfishness is plain and simple, it blocks out loving energy. If you don’t think this is so take your head out of the sand and look around. Me, me me, energy is all around and it will never end as long as you are the base of your focus. Reaching for anything, from tobacco products, sex, alcohol, drugs, self help books, programs, tattoos, and whatnot can be measured by how others benefit from what you are doing. If there’s any attachment to it for your own benefit it becomes a liability to humanity. You may think this will make life mundane, but I say it doesn’t, there is less attachment in my life than ever before and it’s the fullest it’s ever been. Anything I do is done to put my energy in alignment with the Universe. When I come from a place of selfishness which I do at time because I to have been conditioned to do so, there’s nothing beneficial that comes from it.
I’ve learned this the hard way by being controlled by the constant need to reach to nearly the point of my own destruction. Selfish energy is so destructive, but its subtleness makes it that only a very settled mind will see this. All reaching is based in selfishness, this has nothing to do with doing what’s necessary to survive, it goes beyond that. The gauge is if what you are doing puts you in harmony with life or if it put you in harmony with fulfilling selfish cravings. Until the selfish cravings are seen for what they are, doing them will be justified as that’s what the Conditioned Mind does, it locks you into you. Even people who want a better world do it because of some selfish desire to be satisfied. Live healthy, not because it looks good or feels good, do it because the more there’s alignment with Universal Love, the more you can be an instrument to spread that love; not in a way that you think, but in a way the Universe wants it to be…
If what you do is done just to satisfy you, don’t be surprise if you have inner struggles; this occurs because selfish energy is never satisfied. What happens when the energy one is living by is based in selfishness is plain and simple, it blocks out loving energy. If you don’t think this is so take your head out of the sand and look around. Me, me me, energy is all around and it will never end as long as you are the base of your focus. Reaching for anything, from tobacco products, sex, alcohol, drugs, self help books, programs, tattoos, and whatnot can be measured by how others benefit from what you are doing. If there’s any attachment to it for your own benefit it becomes a liability to humanity. You may think this will make life mundane, but I say it doesn’t, there is less attachment in my life than ever before and it’s the fullest it’s ever been. Anything I do is done to put my energy in alignment with the Universe. When I come from a place of selfishness which I do at time because I to have been conditioned to do so, there’s nothing beneficial that comes from it.
I’ve learned this the hard way by being controlled by the constant need to reach to nearly the point of my own destruction. Selfish energy is so destructive, but its subtleness makes it that only a very settled mind will see this. All reaching is based in selfishness, this has nothing to do with doing what’s necessary to survive, it goes beyond that. The gauge is if what you are doing puts you in harmony with life or if it put you in harmony with fulfilling selfish cravings. Until the selfish cravings are seen for what they are, doing them will be justified as that’s what the Conditioned Mind does, it locks you into you. Even people who want a better world do it because of some selfish desire to be satisfied. Live healthy, not because it looks good or feels good, do it because the more there’s alignment with Universal Love, the more you can be an instrument to spread that love; not in a way that you think, but in a way the Universe wants it to be…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/22/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am doing what I can to enjoy my day because I deserve joy and bliss! I am enjoying my day through my interests because I deserve bliss and amusement! I am fulfilling my moments with an abundance of joy, bliss, and amusement because I deserve greater fulfillment! I am doing what I can…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Moving to New Address:
Get this helpful book~ Repeat With Me: I AM (Inspiring, Aspiring & Motivating) Success Every Moment - In The Spring!
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Selfish Cravings Part 1
Reaching for something such as a cigarette, donut, candy, getting a tattoo or whatever else is being reached for benefits no one…it’s only done to satisfy a selfish craving…
Reaching energy is selfish and its base of fulfillment is “I”. Reaching is only done to satisfy yourself and it’s the energy of why the world is as it is. Here are some examples of how the reaching energy reinforces “I” which is based in pure selfishness. No matter how you try to justify the following behaviors, they’re based in selfishness and will keep you in the bondage to “I”. The first example is using tobacco products. When this is done there’s absolutely no benefit in this action except to fulfill the lie that the action is a benefit to you, it’s not even a true benefit to you, but your Conditioned Mind tells you it is. Next, how about reaching for a cookie or other sweets? It’s done strictly to satisfy the selfish craving of “I”. There’s no true benefit to this reaching except to satisfy a Conditioned Mind lie that the thing being reached for is needed. There’s nothing inherently right or wrong with these things, it’s the reaching to satisfy the selfish craving that is the issue, and this is because it blocks one from their own loving energy and hence the love that one emits to others.
This selfish energy is very subtle that most won’t ever see this, but let’s go a little deeper and see the selfish energy of let’s say getting a tattoo. Again it’s an action that has no benefit whatsoever except to fulfill a selfish craving and it’s why people get multiple tattoos. Even if you think a tattoo has sentimental value, its a lie because that means you are still reaching outside yourself for fulfillment. Someone asked me, what about writing an article everyday, isn’t that done to satisfy a selfish craving? My answer was this, the gauge if something is selfish or not is how it benefits someone else. Reaching for a cigarette, donut, candy, getting a tattoo or whatever else is being reached for benefits no one, it’s only done to satisfy a selfish craving. This is a true measurement to gauge where your energy is focused. So I say “reach for the stars” just know if no one else truly benefits from it, it’s probably selfish.
Reaching energy is selfish and its base of fulfillment is “I”. Reaching is only done to satisfy yourself and it’s the energy of why the world is as it is. Here are some examples of how the reaching energy reinforces “I” which is based in pure selfishness. No matter how you try to justify the following behaviors, they’re based in selfishness and will keep you in the bondage to “I”. The first example is using tobacco products. When this is done there’s absolutely no benefit in this action except to fulfill the lie that the action is a benefit to you, it’s not even a true benefit to you, but your Conditioned Mind tells you it is. Next, how about reaching for a cookie or other sweets? It’s done strictly to satisfy the selfish craving of “I”. There’s no true benefit to this reaching except to satisfy a Conditioned Mind lie that the thing being reached for is needed. There’s nothing inherently right or wrong with these things, it’s the reaching to satisfy the selfish craving that is the issue, and this is because it blocks one from their own loving energy and hence the love that one emits to others.
This selfish energy is very subtle that most won’t ever see this, but let’s go a little deeper and see the selfish energy of let’s say getting a tattoo. Again it’s an action that has no benefit whatsoever except to fulfill a selfish craving and it’s why people get multiple tattoos. Even if you think a tattoo has sentimental value, its a lie because that means you are still reaching outside yourself for fulfillment. Someone asked me, what about writing an article everyday, isn’t that done to satisfy a selfish craving? My answer was this, the gauge if something is selfish or not is how it benefits someone else. Reaching for a cigarette, donut, candy, getting a tattoo or whatever else is being reached for benefits no one, it’s only done to satisfy a selfish craving. This is a true measurement to gauge where your energy is focused. So I say “reach for the stars” just know if no one else truly benefits from it, it’s probably selfish.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/21/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am doing what I need to keep love alive within me! I am going where I feel supports my interests, encourages my bliss, and inspires my imagination for memorable experiences! I am doing what I need to stay positive, think optimistically, and keep on loving…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Love Revealed
A person doesn’t wake up because something from the outside shakes them…it occurs because the love in their heart is revealed…everyone has this love because everyone has a heart…
When a person has a shift, they wake up from the state of being asleep and unaware of what truth is. When this occurs the understanding of what has happened isn’t truly realized. In my own case I knew something happened because my view of life became different, but I didn’t know what it meant. I did know for the first time in my life I was at peace. I likened this peace as though I was broken (which I was spiritually), but my heart opened to love I wasn’t aware of. I didn’t wake up because something from the outside shook me, I woke up because the love in my heart that I already possessed was revealed. I didn’t know the value of this at first, as a matter of fact I didn’t even know I had love in my possession. Even when some do become slightly aware of this, it very easily could be mistaken, and for me it was for many years. As I look back throughout my life, I had an inkling that love existed, but it was always dismissed, and because of this I kept looking for what I already possessed.
Nothing is given to us from the outside that the inside doesn’t already have in its possession, but because of the conditioning in place, there’s no awareness of this. Obviously we’re not talking about material possessions, I’m strictly talking about the heart of love that we all possess. This is worth more than anything in the world and it’s also the thing that’s most readily available to everyone, it’s just that the conditioning in place keeps one looking for love out there when all along it has always been in your heart…
When a person has a shift, they wake up from the state of being asleep and unaware of what truth is. When this occurs the understanding of what has happened isn’t truly realized. In my own case I knew something happened because my view of life became different, but I didn’t know what it meant. I did know for the first time in my life I was at peace. I likened this peace as though I was broken (which I was spiritually), but my heart opened to love I wasn’t aware of. I didn’t wake up because something from the outside shook me, I woke up because the love in my heart that I already possessed was revealed. I didn’t know the value of this at first, as a matter of fact I didn’t even know I had love in my possession. Even when some do become slightly aware of this, it very easily could be mistaken, and for me it was for many years. As I look back throughout my life, I had an inkling that love existed, but it was always dismissed, and because of this I kept looking for what I already possessed.
Nothing is given to us from the outside that the inside doesn’t already have in its possession, but because of the conditioning in place, there’s no awareness of this. Obviously we’re not talking about material possessions, I’m strictly talking about the heart of love that we all possess. This is worth more than anything in the world and it’s also the thing that’s most readily available to everyone, it’s just that the conditioning in place keeps one looking for love out there when all along it has always been in your heart…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/20/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am supporting my abilities to positively change for the better! I am supporting a better version of myself, and I am blessed to take advantage of the tools, resources, and opportunities to support me! I am embracing my relationships supporting me and I am appreciating the assistance I am receiving…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
A Welcomed Emptiness
The Conditioned Mind creates a lie that when there’s space it needs filling. The heart understands this space as emptiness and until it’s realized it doesn’t need filling, the lie will remain in place.
For many years I had this misunderstood emptiness (space) in me that was created from the lie that I lacked love and that’s why I constantly reached for stuff to fill it; this is no longer the case because this is now understood. This emptiness isn’t emptiness at all, its simply space which is the essence of life. It’s where life happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this I spent most of my life trying to fill an empty space with whatever I could get my hands on. This filling is endless as to what can be used so each individual has to investigate for themselves what that is. It’s ironic because now most of my life is life is spent in the space that for so long I considered an unwelcomed emptiness. Understanding this and not needing to fill the space is the truth that has been revealed to me.
To fill this unwelcomed emptiness is the reason why anyone reaches for anything and it’s because they want the space to be different, hence the filling. If this space was understood for what it truly is, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. The needing to fill this space is a lie the Conditioned Mind invents and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment different. This keeps one reaching as the needing to fill the emptiness remains in place. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is, the space transforms to a welcomed emptiness because the present moment doesn’t have to be different, and when the present moment doesn’t have to be different, life reveals its true essence of space, which doesn’t need to be filled with anything because it’s not empty.
For many years I had this misunderstood emptiness (space) in me that was created from the lie that I lacked love and that’s why I constantly reached for stuff to fill it; this is no longer the case because this is now understood. This emptiness isn’t emptiness at all, its simply space which is the essence of life. It’s where life happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this I spent most of my life trying to fill an empty space with whatever I could get my hands on. This filling is endless as to what can be used so each individual has to investigate for themselves what that is. It’s ironic because now most of my life is life is spent in the space that for so long I considered an unwelcomed emptiness. Understanding this and not needing to fill the space is the truth that has been revealed to me.
To fill this unwelcomed emptiness is the reason why anyone reaches for anything and it’s because they want the space to be different, hence the filling. If this space was understood for what it truly is, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. The needing to fill this space is a lie the Conditioned Mind invents and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment different. This keeps one reaching as the needing to fill the emptiness remains in place. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is, the space transforms to a welcomed emptiness because the present moment doesn’t have to be different, and when the present moment doesn’t have to be different, life reveals its true essence of space, which doesn’t need to be filled with anything because it’s not empty.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/19/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I prefer benefiting from good thoughts with a good attitude while doing what I enjoy! I rather be playing with my imagination, toying with my interests, and endeavoring with my ideas! I rather be blissful and I prefer to be enjoying myself regardless of who is involved…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 04/18/18~
Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am alive another day today with many more opportunities and chances to adventure, to make eventful, and to make the best of! I am blessed again today with life, with decisions of my own, and with abundance to enjoy! I am not wasting this day today…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Dynamic Energy
When one isn’t controlled by things from the outside, therein lies your peace, but there isn’t peace because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s peace because your dynamic energy is focused on life as it is.
Dynamic energy controls your life and makes it what it is, but it doesn’t make it what it is because of what you do, it makes it what it is by where your energy is focused. If your focus doesn’t put you in harmony with life, then there won’t be any and hence your life will be the way that it is because it’s the way you are unconsciously making it. It’s actually a beautiful thing when one becomes aware of this because it puts your responses to life in your hands; to me that’s all a person could ask for. When one isn’t controlled by things from the outside, therein lies your peace, but there isn’t peace because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s peace because your dynamic energy is focused on life as it is.
What happens with a mind that has dynamic energy that’s not based in love is it gets kidnapped by its own conditioning and then you are held hostage by your own mind. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what’s happens with a mind that becomes conditioned, and it’s all because of the dynamic energy based to self serve. When the dynamic energy in place focuses on a me, me, me mind, crazy becomes the norm or so it seems, but it’s only because of the dynamic energy making it so. When the dynamic energy changes, the craziness subsides. So when you sit and see what the base of your energy is, you just may be able to change it by refocusing. It will take some time though because of the conditioning in place, but the alternative is to remain the way you are; being controlled by dynamic energy that holds you hostage to it.
Dynamic energy controls your life and makes it what it is, but it doesn’t make it what it is because of what you do, it makes it what it is by where your energy is focused. If your focus doesn’t put you in harmony with life, then there won’t be any and hence your life will be the way that it is because it’s the way you are unconsciously making it. It’s actually a beautiful thing when one becomes aware of this because it puts your responses to life in your hands; to me that’s all a person could ask for. When one isn’t controlled by things from the outside, therein lies your peace, but there isn’t peace because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s peace because your dynamic energy is focused on life as it is.
What happens with a mind that has dynamic energy that’s not based in love is it gets kidnapped by its own conditioning and then you are held hostage by your own mind. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what’s happens with a mind that becomes conditioned, and it’s all because of the dynamic energy based to self serve. When the dynamic energy in place focuses on a me, me, me mind, crazy becomes the norm or so it seems, but it’s only because of the dynamic energy making it so. When the dynamic energy changes, the craziness subsides. So when you sit and see what the base of your energy is, you just may be able to change it by refocusing. It will take some time though because of the conditioning in place, but the alternative is to remain the way you are; being controlled by dynamic energy that holds you hostage to it.
Clinging to Being Human
Not only is to err human, it’s also inevitable. It’s the clinging to our humanness that causes attaching to wanting things different which in turn causes one to cling to their own suffering…
If you really want to know what humanities basic error is that keeps most clinging to their own suffering, it’s attaching to being human. It’s not that we aren’t human or that we’ll be able to transcend our humanness, it’s more so to find a way to embrace it, but not to cling to it; clinging to humanness in some way always causes suffering. It doesn’t have to be attached to, but it will take developing discipline for the mind to see this. It’s seems to be human to want things different and it’s always attaching to the story of being human that causes suffering. This is true regardless of what’s wanted different.
It’s always the human self that wants something different and it’s this charade of clinging to being human that pulls one into suffering. Last week I ordered a shirt on line and when it was delivered I tried it on and it didn’t fit. By my initial reaction you would have thought I was going to have to go shirtless; this was simply because I didn’t accept the fact the shirt didn’t fit. This is what clinging to being human does and when I saw how childish this wanting things different was it fell away and I was able to get an exchange for the shirt. You can substitute the shirt with anything and you’ll get the same childish results of suffering. This is all because not only is it human to err, but it’s also the clinging to our humanness that one attaches to wanting things different which in turn causes one to cling to their own suffering…
If you really want to know what humanities basic error is that keeps most clinging to their own suffering, it’s attaching to being human. It’s not that we aren’t human or that we’ll be able to transcend our humanness, it’s more so to find a way to embrace it, but not to cling to it; clinging to humanness in some way always causes suffering. It doesn’t have to be attached to, but it will take developing discipline for the mind to see this. It’s seems to be human to want things different and it’s always attaching to the story of being human that causes suffering. This is true regardless of what’s wanted different.
It’s always the human self that wants something different and it’s this charade of clinging to being human that pulls one into suffering. Last week I ordered a shirt on line and when it was delivered I tried it on and it didn’t fit. By my initial reaction you would have thought I was going to have to go shirtless; this was simply because I didn’t accept the fact the shirt didn’t fit. This is what clinging to being human does and when I saw how childish this wanting things different was it fell away and I was able to get an exchange for the shirt. You can substitute the shirt with anything and you’ll get the same childish results of suffering. This is all because not only is it human to err, but it’s also the clinging to our humanness that one attaches to wanting things different which in turn causes one to cling to their own suffering…
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