Why it’s so important not to put the Conditioned Mind cart before the horse per se is because this doesn’t allow the core conditioning to be seen and substitution becomes the conditioned behavior. The Conditioned Mind has to be understood if this constant barrage of reaching and substituting is to end or at least subside. If the focus is on alleviating one of the tools the Conditioned Mind uses to keep you entrapped to it, you may stop using that tool, but another will simply be put in its place.
The subtleties of the Conditioned Mind are second to none when it comes to keeping the circular bondage energy in place. Many tools are used to keep this energy in place, but they all stem from the core conditioning of “I”. Substituting one thing for another is done when there’s no awareness of this as the Conditioned Mind will simply use one tool instead of another. An example of this would be how it uses atheism (a belief in the non existence of God) the same way it uses faith (a belief in God). As long as a story is being created that keeps the bondage in place, that’s all that matters to it.
Many people think if you can break free of one tool of the Conditioned Mind it means freedom, but my experience has been only breaking free of the core conditioning of “I” provides freedom. The base of all the bondage (tools) of the Conditioned Mind is based in “I” so regardless of what you think you are letting go of, the only thing to truly let go of is “I”. Yesterday someone responded to one of my post that language is at the core of the Conditioned Mind, and I get that’s what is seen, but its not at the core, it’s only a tool. At the core is “I” and when “I” is let go of, all the tools that the Conditioned Mind uses fall away along with the substituting one thing for another.

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