You will either spend your time adding things to your life that you think will enhance your state of well being or you will understand that less is more and adding anything isn’t necessary because it won’t satisfy the craving of adding. The selfishness I wrote about the last two days will not be understood by the need to add mind, it will only be understood when the mind settles. Most people will spending 99.9% of their lives adding to it only to find out at the end that the adding never enhanced it one bit. You see, this is because nothing is missing so no matter what you add it means nothing. When it’s understood less is more therein lies your peace.
Understanding how YOUR mind works, not the mind the experts and all their books talk about, but YOUR mind which probably has never been studied, is a must if the habitual patterns of needing to add are ever going to be broken. I know people don’t like this, but unfortunately at the core of this need to add mind is selfish energy. People want everything that’s written to be nicey nice, but the Conditioned Mind is diabolical and nicey nice won’t allow you to go beyond your conditioning. What I write doesn’t haven’t to be agreed with, but it would behoove you to sit and investigate it before discounting it. I am not a know it all in any sense. What I do know at least somewhat is my own mind, and because I tried adding to my life for forty nine years without ever being satisfied for more than 10 seconds, it has opened a view of less is more that few see. There’s no way around adding to your life as being from selfish energy and until this is seen, the need to add to it will continue even though less is more…

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